Ewing Sarcoma Diagnosis

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Ewing Sarcoma Diagnosis and Treatment

Makaylah Mutz

Biology 1501
Professor Benard
April 19, 2018
Ewing Sarcoma is a form of cancer that starts growing as tumors in bones and close to the soft tissues that are grouped near bones. Any cells in the body can become cancerous and then can move throughout the body. Any form of cancer begins by the rapid division of cells and that end up growing out of control crowding out the normal body cells. Ewing Sarcoma tends to have gene of DNA the fuses into abnormalities and consist of proteins that are not found or are rarely found within other forms and types of cancers. Ewing Sarcoma is generally found in three main areas of the body: the legs - more specifically …show more content…

During the physical examination the doctor will be looking for any areas that are causing the patient pain and areas that might have some swelling. When pain or swelling is found there are other test that can be run, such as: X-rays, Magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI), Computed tomography scan (CAT scan), bone scan and a Positron emission tomography scan (PET scan). These scans are performed for the doctors to get a better look at the area in question and to determine the extent of the tumor. If the images from the scans suggest that there is a tumor and that it might be an Ewing tumor a biopsy of the tumor will be ordered. A biopsy of the tumor in question will help to determine if the tumor is either an Ewing’s tumor or some other cancer or that the tumor is a benign tumor which then would mean that the mass of cells is not cancerous. Most biopsies are taken by extracting a sample of the tumor (Scientific Research Publishing) and the later viewing the samples taken under a microscope. Sometimes if the tumor is in a good location and is small the surgeon can remove it completely and observe the entire tumor. Once a diagnosis has been made tests such as a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy test and blood test are done so that doctors can track the spread of the cancer to the bone marrow …show more content…

When receiving radiation therapy high-energy beams are pointed in the location of the tumor (s). This treatment method can be used instead of surgery or coupled with surgery depending on the complexity of removing the cancerous tumor. When receiving this form of treatment, it is in most cases given about 5 days on average a week for a certain number of weeks. With each treatment of radiation, the patient will be gradually receiving a higher dose of high-energy beams then in the previous radiation therapy session. Radiation therapy itself only takes a couple minutes but getting the radiation machine and the patient in place for treatment may take a much longer amount of time then the actual treatment. With any type of cancer treatment there are going to be some side effects. Some short-term side effects are patches on the skin that look like sun burn and hair loss also in the area where the radiation was aimed. Long-term effects are organ function depending on where the treatment was given and in some cases nerve damage and can also cause headaches and trouble thinking. A major concern with this form of Ewing tumor treatment is the fact that a new form of cancer can develop in the area where the patient had once received radiation

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