Evil And Fear Corrupt Society In Lord Of The Flies

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Evil and Fear Corrupt Society Adolf Hitler was a brilliant leader with horrid morals. Throughout history many leaders have ruled over people using fear and evil to gain more power. Although very wrong, many of these leaders have been successful and gained their people’s trust. According to Rousseau people were all pure at once, but all of the evil and negativity take their toll eventually. Evil corrupts society. It affects even the purist of living beings. This is especially shown in The Lord of the Flies, a book about a group of young boys who crash onto an island and have to fend for themselves, and potentially their group. Throughout William Golding’s novel, The Lord of the Flies, symbols show how evil and fear corrupt society. In the beginning of the novel the boys establish law and order. Ralph finds a conch shell, and Piggy says they can use the shell as a horn to call anyone on the island together(16). They call all of the boys together across the island, and decide they need a chief. “‘Shut up,’ said Ralph absently. He lifted the conch. ‘Seems to me we ought to have to have chief to decide things(22).’” So all of the boys voted for chief and Ralph was elected(22). They even took on jobs, Jack and his choir were the hunters(23). Ralph and Simon were the builders of the huts. In the beginning …show more content…

In school he was put in charge of his choir boys, and throughout the novel, those boys listened to him through it all. If he told them to stand still, they did so(20). He was power hungry. He was even confident enough to say “I ought to be chief(22).” before they had even voted. Jack soon evolved into a savage, evil overtaking him. He became obsessed with hunting. Like a wild animal he would sniff across the ground to find a pig(48). Jack later breaks off from the main group, and forms and savage, homicidal group. Jack is willing to kill other human beings to gain power, and that shows how evil has overtaken

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