Everything I Never Told You Themes

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Title: Everything I Never Told You The title makes the reader curious, and seems extremely fitting to the book. As the story unfolds, so do plots and subplots, each with its own unique story, hitting each character in a unique way. Secrets are revealed and lies are uncovered.

Author: Celeste Ng is the author of my book. I have never seen, heard of, or read any of her other books.

Type of Book: Everything I Never Told You is an example of thriller fiction, being a mystery novel. Somebody who enjoys suspense novels, or mystery flicks would definitely enjoy this book. These books are some of my favorite to read, as the suspense and mystery of it all draws you in and keeps the pages turning.

Characters: The main protagonists of the book are Lydia, the young woman who died at the beginning of the book, her boyfriend Jack, and her older brother Nathan, often referred to as Nath. Other important characters include the mother, father, sister, and the local law enforcement. Each individual character is well developed, and each has a unique endpoint, and can be easily …show more content…

The ideas held within the pages of this novel are effortlessly identified and relatable to, and each has been a part of most people's life. Tragedy, racism, depression, and feeling alone are all expressed throughout the novel. In a short summary, the book goes as such: a local girl dies in a lake of a small town, and while trying to find out what happened,her secret life is revealed to her distraught mother, and scandalous father, whom is having an affair that deeply troubled Lydia. The idea of her being her own killer becomes more and more prominent, and as this is realized, the reader realizes a few other details. Lydia is a liar, and cannot seem to be straightforward with her overbearing parents about anything. One can learn about anxiety, depression, and relationships, as those are reoccurring themes

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