Everyday Use Mama Character Analysis

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Both characters, Mama from “Everyday use” story and the main character—also the narrator—from “The tell-tale heart” story appear dynamic. The reader perceives more of their personality as the story unfolds. When Mama introduces her daughter, Dee, to the reader, she describes her in a very critical way. She resents and feels almost jealous of her education, sophistication, and charisma: “she burnt us with a lot of knowledge” and “Dee want nice things” (133). However, when Dee arrives home, Mama contains herself, appears patient even if sometime she struggles with the presence of her daughter: “A dress so loud it hurts my eyes” (135). Even if she does not seem to understand why Dee is looking to change her name, Mama finally accepts to call …show more content…

But as the character reveals the story of his premeditated diabolic plan, he starts to betray his feelings revealing his madness. He jubilates when every night for 7 nights in a row he slightly opens the door of his victim: “Oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in” (68) and exults with pleasure to the idea of killing his prey: “I could scarcely contain my feelings of triumph” (69). He starts feeling over confident and almighty: “Never before that night I felt the extent of my own powers”(69). But, the view of his victim’s pale blue eye—which haunts him since the first time he met the old man—he suddenly “grew furious” (70). He meets the highest state of excitation and insanity at hearing the hear beat of his victim, which drives him to finally kill. He almost feels at peace when he dismembers, hides the body and even when the policemen came to his house: “what I had to fear?” (71). All of a sudden, the narrator’s feelings transform one last time again as he imagines the old man's heart beat starting again. He “foamed” and “raved” (72). The reader perceives how his uncontrollable madness takes progressively over his mind sealing his

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