Everett And Odysseus Comparison

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Comparison O Brother, Where Art Though? by Joel and Ethan Coen is a film, made in 2000, that was based on the Odyssey in many ways. The movie is about a guy, Ulysses Everett, who is on this long journey to find the “treasure” which he tells his two friends, Delmar and Pete. He is actually tricking them about the treasure because he knows that they would not go on this elongated journey, which they are escaping prison for, if they knew the truth. He was actually going to try to stop the marraige of his wife with her new fiance. On the long journey they face many challenges that try to stop them from getting to the town his wife is in. Everett and Odysseus both have similar call to actions which, were to come home to stop their wives from marrying
First of all they are the main characters that have company on their journey. For instance, Everett has his two friends from prison, Pete and Delmar, and Odysseus has his shipmates for most of the time. Another similarity is that they are very strong leaders that will overcome any challenges that come in their way. For example, Odysseus has many challenges he faces like, Polyphemus, but he defeats him with a stick on fire. He also has to deal with Poseiden becasue of what he did to his son polyphemus and defeats him with help from the gods/goddess which were Athena, Zeus and Aeolus. Another challenge he faces were the Seirenes, but has the help from Athena so him and his shipmates do not die and overcome this challenge, and more. Everett has many challeges like Odysseus, but they are not exactly the same. For instance, instead of Poseiden coming after him he has the sheriff. The sheriff is being compared to poseiden in an ironic way because he uses fire while Poseiden uses water. He also faces a Polyphemus, but instead of a cyclopes it is a guy with one eye named Big Dan T. He does not defeat him like Odysseus, instead the human cyclopes beats them with a stick and takes all of their money and their car. The movie switches the roles of the cyclopes and the hero so that the movie has its own version of this event and so its not exactly like The Oddyssey. Everett and his crew are very similar, but the movie portrays the book in a unique, interesting way. The movie has most of the characters the book has, but some of the characters do their part in a different way in the movie, that is what makes this new way of the book intreging. For example, the god of the sea, Poseiden is associated with water, the twist the movie puts on this character in the movie is instead of using water the Poseiden character, the sheriff, is associated with fire. These characters display irony because water and fire are opposites, which makes the movie have their own twist on the book. The Odyssey in a certain order. For the movie to be unique, it has the events in a different order. When readers read The Odyssey one character that appears in the middle of the piece is Teiresius. What makes the movie different from the novel is that the character Teiresius shows up closer to the beginning. Another example that makes the two pieces different from one another is the crew they travel along with. Odysseus’ crew actually all die off, but Pete and Delmar never die and stick by Everett for the whole movie.
These pieces are both very similar, but the movie has its own twist, therefore transforming The Odyssey into a movie about a prisoner’s epic journey. The movie really has a good way in trasforming the book. They are not exactly the same, which makes the movie very interesting and fun to compare all of the events of The

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