Euthanasia Essay

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The term Euthanasia is derived from Greek, meaning good death. Taken in its common usage however, euthanasia refers to the termination of a person’s life, to end their suffering, usually from an incurable or terminal condition. It is for this reason that euthanasia was also coined the name “mercy killing”. Another type of euthanasia is Active Euthanasia refers to the deliberate act, usually through the intentional administration of lethal drugs, to end an incurably or terminally ill patient’s life. ("The Ethics of Euthanasia.") The earliest recorded date of euthanasia is dated back to 5th century B.C.-1st Century B.C. In ancient Greece and Rome, before the coming of Christianity, attitudes towards active euthanasia and suicide tended to be …show more content…

Ethnical is defined as pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality. ("Ethical.") Opponents of euthanasia being ethnical from a religious view point, believe that life is given by God, and only God should decide when to end it. This claim is a limited interpretation of religious text. The bible does not specifically mention euthanasia, but it does address issues closely related. The bible tells us that we are not to murder ("BibleGateway.") It is not murder when the person is terminally ill the person will die sooner or later. Why not make the death process go by faster? With no suffering rather than a slow painful death. Doctors play God everyday by prescribing medications instead of letting the body heal itself which is God’s job. Doctor’s will not stop helping ill patients and if the person is in pain, the doctor should be able to treat the patient. In conclusion, even if the last treatment is death the doctor tried everything in his power to heal the patient. Now he will just help the death process go by more peacefully and suffer …show more content…

A major proposal is every individual should have a right to die. Euthanasia ends suffering, gives the right to die, is the preferred choice over slow painful and often expensive deaths, less health care cost, it is humane also by choice. People should have the right to end their suffering no one wants to die in pain. I recently read a story over a courageous women named Brittany Maynard, 29 years old from California. Married for just over a year trying to start her very own family. Their lives devolved into hospital stays, doctor consultations and medical research. Nine days after her initial diagnoses, she had a partial craniotomy and a partial resection of her temporal lobe. Both surgeries had an effort to stop the growth of the tumor, but unfortunately it came back more aggressive. Doctors gave her six months to live. There was no treatment that would save her life, and the treatments would have destroyed the time she had left. After carefully researching all of her options she quickly decided that death with dignity was the best option for herself and family. She met the criteria for death with dignity which is defined as an option chosen by a competent individual, or one having power of attorney when he/she is incompetent to make an informed choice, about actions to be taken when that individual is dying. Oregon which is one of five

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