Etruscan Invasion Of Rome Essay

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Rome had many different cultures before we know it as what it is right now. Most of the the native people of Italy comes from greek and roman backgrounds. Italy was not isolated from the outside world and people had a big impact on its population. There were a couple of foreign invasions of Italy during the period leading up to the Roman conquest that had important and big effects on the people of Italy. First was the invasion of Pyrrhus of Epirus and Alexandra. The Etruscans, were the most influential people who dominated italy politically before the rise of Rome. The Etruscan language doesn’t resemble any other European language which has led to many theories that they immigrated to Italy from some other region. Thousands of evidence like inscriptions, monuments, religious offerings, coins, and other objects show that the Etruscans had a big part of writing, and the Romans had great reverence for Etruscan …show more content…

Texts would show priests what different shapes and bumps on a liver mean, they believed in a pantheon of gods a lot like the Greek god who believed their will upon men and who could be communicating with priests and seers. The Romans adopted many aspects of Etruscan religions. From the ninth to the sixth century BC the Etruscans expanded and colonized throughout Italy and ruled lands from the Po River in the north to Campania in the south. South Etruscans expansion was taken by the growing power of the Greeks who had also begun colonizing the region. In the Battle of Cumae the Etruscans were defeated by a Greek fleet. The coastal territories in the south were then settled by Greeks, while Campania were overruned by Sabellian people. 400 BC Celts from Gaul poured over the Alps and into the Etruscan territories of northern Italy. They conquered many of the Etruscan cities in the north which then took their religion

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