Ethical Issues Raised By Wal-Mart

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Wal-Mart is one of the largest retailers in the United States and should be criticized for its approach to unions, especially after reading the article in this week’s module highlighting this company. I see many ethical issues raised by Wal-Mart’s approach. Whether or not Wal-Mart supports unions, they have a job and requirement to follow under the National Labor Relations Act that allows workers to organize and to collectively bargain with their employer over wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment. In this case, Wal-Mart did not. Wal-Mart did not accept that these workers have the right to protest and have been fighting for years to keep unions away. In fact, if Wal-Mart had a good culture, leadership, and effective management, …show more content…

That is nowhere near ethical to me! Employees’ fighting for better wages and fair treatment does not call for any illegal punishment, harassment, or retaliation. Working with the employees and finding a positive and civilized solution to what is going on is a much better way for everyone. Penalizing workers for going on strike and threatening their jobs is not an ethical response to people expressing their views. “The National Labor Relations Act prohibits employers from retaliating against workers for supporting a union and from making intimidating statements that discourage workers from backing a union” (Kieler, 2014), so it is crazy why Wal-Mart behaves this way knowing they shouldn’t and cannot. Wal-Mart managers even illegally and purposefully intimidated employees who wanted to support Our Wal-Mart (Kieler, 2014). That is crazy and what is even more mind-blowing is what they said to them. “”If it were up to me, I would shoot the union”” (Kieler, 2014) and “”If it were up to me, I would put that rope around your neck”” (Kieler, 2014). This is far from Wal-Mart being ethical. This company was out of line and these statements are completely uncalled for, just like unlawfully disciplining six employees for taking part in a one day strike (Kieler, 2014). I agree with the affected workers “”Walmart can not abuse its power any longer”… “Our families and our communities

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