Ethical Issues In Juvenile Justice

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As employees and sworn corrections officer of the Georgia Department of Juvenile justice (DOJJ) we are responsible when we are on duty for ourselves, juveniles, and staff members at all time. We are supposed to set the example daily because we are always being watch by others, display ethical behavior and maintain moral within our organization. Since juvenile correctional officers have many duties, like guiding and acting as life coaches for young inmates that might be mentally, emotionally, or psychologically which calls for them to have qualified staff members on hand to help with their situation. But like everything is this world this world we need to retain a wide variety of qualified staff members from all type of back ground. …show more content…

Thereby, since we understand that organizational strategies are needed to eliminate on the job discrimination, we also must understand that defeating it can be very difficult and can cause conflict amongst everyone. We all have some form of bias, but within the DOJJ one would think that these bias whatever they maybe would remain off the job, but that can only happen in a perfect world. So, since our world in not perfect, we need to develop some form of strategy to avoid this type of conflict on the job. As we examine this issue we found out that “discrimination often occurs when one culture does not understand another, therefore, organizations need to spend time training staff in cultural diversity and strategies for effective communication” (“Best practice in”, …show more content…

Therefore, we need to break the circle and create a world within a world of harmony, morale building, cooperation, and respect to accomplish our daily functions. As I have stated before we all have some form of bias towards something or someone, but we need to understand that when we are in the public eye that we need to check those bias at the door and leave them outside, and when you are off the clock and you are leaving you can pick up your bias and utilized them as you which. The working environment should not be a place to create more friction then necessary especially in the public safety field where your mind needs to be on alert at all times to deal with any type of crisis. By talking some of the above steps we should be able to achieve some type of success. But, we must not believe that this will happen in a day, after all Rome was not built in a day, so change will not happen that quickly either. By taking daily steps to achieve these goals we will be the organization that will exemplify change and lead the way for other organization within the public safety

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