Essay There Will Come Soft Rains

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Technology has hurt society because humans are starting to depend on technological
advances. Technology continues to expand faster towards the future, from a perspective view of
human life today. A common counterpoint is that technology has to be part of our daily lives, but
only to satisfy our needs. Humans become more dependent enjoying extravagant luxury that
manifest into metaphorical prosthetics. The essay titled "The Future of Luxury" by Magnus
Enzensberger and the short story titled "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury, both
pieces examine ironic content to communicate the damage of technology. Enzensberger's essay
contains nonfictional work that predict the future definition of luxury, compared to today's
meaning. Bradbury's …show more content…

In the essay "The Future of Luxury" Enzensberger identified time as the
most important of all luxury items. "...many members of this class work upward of eighty hours
a week" continue "they are bound to a day-planner that extends years into the future"
Enzensberger's ironic content show how humans are obligated and attached to a day-planner that
extends years into the future, but those future event that extends into years might not occur in the
future. In the short story " There Will Come Soft Rains" Bradbury demonstrate how a digital
voice day-planner supplants traditional Gloss paper calendars. "'Today is August 4, 2026,' said a
second voice from the kitchen ceiling" continues "...Today is the anniversary Tilita's marriage.
Insurance is payable, as are the water, gas, and light bills" Bradbury shows how a digital voice
from the ceiling reminds the present date of the moment, the anniversary of Tilita, and payable
bills. Humans are depending on technology by being remind of common necessary events.
Humans that obtain advance electronic devices must work all the time for luxury items to
become accessible, but not able to have time to enjoy.
Secure security that might not guarantee to fight the enemy. However, some argue

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