Essay: Should The Israelis Get The Land Of Israel

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Israel is facing a national burning question , should the Israelis get the land of Israel or the Palestinians? Both sides strongly believe they have a right to Israel and Jerusalem, but where did this whole conflict start? It first began with the Ottoman Empire that ruled over the Arab world since the 1500ś was defeated in WWI ( 1914-1918). After WWI Britain issued a declaration which supports the establishment in palestine of a national home for the jews. After 5 years of living under the british and the council league dividing arab lands, WWII began. During the holocaust many jews fled to Palestine , there were about 680,00 jews living in palestine at this time. Not too long after that in 1947 the UN divided Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states , Jerusalem was to be an international city but the Arabs rejected the resolution creating more tension. Since then power over the land has slowly gone from being Arab ruled to being Jewish ruled.
Most if not all Israelis believe the land of Israel should be under their control. The first reason being that after WWII the British had decided that Israel would be the national home and …show more content…

Both sides think the land should be theirs for similar reasons being that they settled there first and that the land is holy and was promised to them by some sort of higher power. They both have the same explanation for the conflict within the country being that the other side struck first or that the other side is invading their territory. In the end both citizens on both sides of the conflict have admitted to disliking the conflict. Both sides want the same thing , a solutions to the seemingly everlasting war , both Palestinians and Israelis want peace. Though many differences and similarities between the two the same international question remains , should the Palestinians or the Israelis get the land of Israel or live together on

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