Essay On Wikileaks

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The Rise of WikiLeaks was both necessary and inevitable

¨Reality is an aspect of property, it must be seized, and investigative journalism is the noble art of seizing reality back from the powerful¨(Assange 59), thus spoke Julian Assange, the praised and hated founder of Wikileaks. A Wikileaks, a non-profit international organization founded in 2006, definitely opened a new dimension of journalism by releasing information that should not be banned from the public in the name of the American idea of greater democracy. The citizens deserve to know the truth regardless of how damaging it might be. An analysis of organization's background reveals why the Wiki-Leaks' rise was inevitable based on: content of major classified documents and governmental attempts to destroy the funding system and distort the image of a founder, Julian Assange.

The organization registered in 2006 by Julian Assange has started releasing confidential and classified information that a public could be interested in. The significance of the leaks has caused a major impact which tremendously increased the public awareness of the site. According to Assange and the site the aim is to provide public important news through the secure and anonymous way. Based on Declaration of Human Rights, the organization believes that everyone has a right of free speech and that any data should be transparent and freely available to public. Wiki-Leaks also introduced a new form journalism where the journalists are not motivated by profit or fame, but by an honest desire to reveal the truth and defend the principles of democracy. The Wiki-Leaks represents an international group of volunteers containing highly skilled people such as New York architect John...

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...rea, has granted asylum to Assange since he hoped to increase his popularity in Ecuador and gained enough votes for the next elections (An Ecuadorean History).

Classification of Wiki-Leaks' background exposes why the gradual rise of organization was inevitable based on: content of published leaks, governmental campaigns against the site and Julian Assange. The activity of Wiki-Leaks heated discussions over the meaning of democracy and principles of capacity to decide. The corruption, classification, usage of money for militarization purposes. The Wiki-Leaks and its systematic defamation has showed us what major impact, revealing classified document has had on political communities. The media, the government, corporations are constantly trying to manipulate public and we need to stand up, open our eyes and see the truth. The information is key to power.

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