Essay On Trade Dbq

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An enduring issue is a problem that has occurred across history and has significantly impacted various groups of people. Negative consequences of trade have been observed throughout time between nations, empires, and societies. Trade is essential to connecting us closely and allowing us to share new ideas and inventions. In document 1, we can see how the Mongols relied on trade to build their empire. However, trading can also lead to many problems, such as the spread of disease and slavery, which can destroy cultures and traditions, as shown in documents 2 and 4. Trading can be valuable to certain groups of people, but it can also have harmful effects on others. The Mongols were an extremely powerful empire that opened stable trade routes between Europe and Asia (Doc. 1). The adage of the adage. They exchanged goods along the Silk Road and other networks, which opened them to new cultures and ideas from different places. Nonetheless, their extensive trade routes allowed the disease to travel further to more places and infect people with ease. The plague had originated in Central Asia, and the disease spread through rats traveling west on ships and wagons to Europe on the Silk Road. Around half the population died during the initial outbreak in 1348–1350. What had made the Pax Mongolica (Doc 1) so beneficial had also …show more content…

During that time, around 12.5 million captured men, women, and children were put on ships in Africa and transferred to Europe. The slaves were placed on cramped ships and tightly packed together. This meant diseases such as measles, elephantiasis, and smallpox could spread rapidly and kill many. Surviving slaves were forced to work on plantations since the Europeans wanted to mass-produce goods such as sugarcane for trading. The desire for profitable trade had caused the Europeans, and even the native’s own people, to dismiss the evils of slavery and treat another human being as an object to be

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