Essay On The Welfare System

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Welfare is the financial aid given by the government to citizens that are not making enough to support themselves and/or their family or even making no money at all. The welfare system was developed in the early 1800s and has been modified many times since it was first developed (Welfare Info). Over all of this time and all of the times the system has been changed, you would think that it should be close to flawless by now, right (Welfare Info)? Wrong. The current welfare system is extremely abused and needs to be completely revised. Funded and governed federally, the official welfare system was born in the midst of the Great Depression in the 1930’s (Welfare Info ). Originally, the welfare system was created to help the many families that …show more content…

Exactly, they wouldn’t. Although some people are using the welfare system correctly, trying to get themselves back on their feet again and go get a job, there is also people abusing the system with no intent to go get a job. There is no telling exactly what those percentages are, but it is common knowledge that some are using welfare money to fund drug cartels and collect welfare monthly without the mindset to try and get a job. As mentioned earlier, welfare is addicting, once you start you don 't want to stop because its easy and you don 't have to work. This in particular sets an example for the children of the parents/parent on welfare. The vicious cycle continues as the child follows in their parent’s footsteps of abusing welfare without the intent to get a …show more content…

First off, is that citizens will fake information to qualify for welfare, so that they can receive the benefits they don 't deserve or need (Kyle). Second off, some people that actually qualify for the welfare benefits, are using the money to fund illegal activities or use it against what it’s purpose is for (Kyle). This may include people buying drugs with the money or becoming drug dealers. People also may go out and party or spend the money on things they cannot afford or don 't need (Kyle). Last, people will just receive the money and have no intent on going out to work and get a job, as the system is originally intended

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