Essay On The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin

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Identity Crisis within Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” Sometimes during our lifetime, we come across confusion with who we think we really are. Identity crisis can be a very serious thing. We often think that we know who we really are but we also often question it. When you begin to experience identity crisis, it becomes a serious matter to many. You become oblivious, so to speak, to the stuff around you. They say that identity crisis is “a period in your life where you experience distress when trying to find one’s self”. In Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”, we realize that may be true when Chopin is talking about Mrs. Mallard. In “The Story of an Hour”, we are introduced to Mrs. Mallard and we are finding out that her husband had been associated in a train accident and that he was on the list of people that had died according to their friend Richards. Mrs. …show more content…

We find out that she was never really comfortable in her own skin when she was with her husband even though she was with him for many years. Louise felt like she was never really living until she heard the news about her husband being involved in a train accident and he was gone. She was rather sad but also very joyful because she would finally be able to go on with her life without her husband holding her back. I believe that she was more than ready to finally find herself and be able to want to actually keep continuing her life but this time without her husband being right there. I realized that Chopin wanted you to feel sympathy towards Mrs. Mallard because it’s very unfair for someone to go through life and not be able to live it how they once imagined living it. It’s actually very sad to me that Louise does end up dying of heart failure but she only died because she was happy to find out that she was finally going to be free. I understand that she will be free now because she did die and now she can live life how she

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