The Holocaust began on January 30,1933 during the time Adolf Hitler was dictator of Germany. World War II was going on when the Holocaust began. The Holocaust is the genocide of the Jewish race.
Adolf Hitler believed that the Aryan race was the perfect race. Adolf Hitler blamed Jews for the destruction of Germany, so they were an easy target. He tried to abolished the Jews. Adolf Hitler commanded that Auschwitz Concentration Camp to be built. Auschwitz was made in May of 1940. First prisons, Poland political soldiers, were forced to do labor and then it was used for exterminating Jews. What are the origin and consequences of Auschwitz concentration camp on people during the Holocaust?
During the Holocaust, Auschwitz was then opened as a death camp, many people were killed, some survived the horrible years of treatment, then the camp was liberated when the Holocaust came to an end.
Adolf Hitler, became dictator of Germany with the plan to annihilate the entire Jewish race, opening up Auschwitz as a death camp, then forcing millions out of their homes, organizing them at Auschwitz to prepare for their death. When the Holocaust began and Auschwitz came about the horrible treatment began to millions of people.
Adolf Hitler became dictator of Germany, and began the Nazi Party and the plan of killing millions of people (mainly Jews). It started off with " One of those groups was the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or the Nazis, who were joined in 1919 by Adolf Hitler, an Austrian who had served as a German soldier and who became the Nazis' leader and spokesman. In 1923, Hitler attempted to gain power in Bavaria, his base, by means of a military uprising, but he was caught and sentenced to a short term of impriso...
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...king advantage of free slave labor and forcing more hours on the prisoners.
Jews forced in gas chambers and on death marches where they died because they were either too weak or just died. Not only did they suffer endless torture they were also forced to march in the cold. Their clothes, thin and cheap, weren't proper for the terribly cold weather. Thousand died, during these death marches, because of the cold weather and the condition they were in. They were shot if they couldn't keep up with the group. They were also forced in gas chambers in large groups. "The Nazis rounded up Jews in all the countries they occupied and from March 1942, began to deport them to the death camps in Poland. Of the roughly 9 million European Jews, probably about 1.1 million were killed in Auschwitz, largely in the gas chambers, using a derivative of prussic acid called 'zyklon-B.'"
The Holocaust could be best described as the widespread genocide of over eleven million Jews and other undesirables throughout Europe from 1933 to 1945. It all began when Adolf Hitler, Germany's newest leader, enforced the Nuremburg Race Laws. These laws discriminated against Jews and other undesirables and segregated them from the rest of the population. As things grew worse, Jews were forced to wear the Star of David on their clothing. The laws even stripped them of their citizenship.
The Holocaust was an extraordinary event that affected the lives of millions of people, including Elie Wiesel, and led to the death of many innocent lives. It all began when Adolf Hitler became Germany’s dictator in 1933. Hitler praised the German population and seemed to ban all other competing races, specifically the Jewish population in Germany. This hatred toward the Jews led to extreme discrimination. Hitler’s main goal was to lead the Jewish race out of the country through the establishment of harsh laws against them (Barrett). After having little effect, Hitler decided to force the Jews into political imprisonment which led to the creation of the first concentration camps in 1933. However,
The Holocaust began in 1933, when the Nazis were beginning to have the most political power in Germany. The leader of this political party was Adolf Hitler. Based on many historians, Hitler was the one who stared the Holocaust,
Adolf Hitler came into power of Germany in 1934. Wanting power, land and revenge, Hitler gets troops ready to attack. Hitler was a troop in WWI for Germany. Once the Germans lost the war, Hitler took that personally, and wanted revenge. After coming into power with his army of Nazis, Hitler is quick to blame Jewish people for all the harsh debt and corruption in Germany. The Germans believe him, causing them to hate Jewish people. The holocaust happened throughout 1933-1945, it ended when Hitler killed himself.
Imagine the worst torture possible. Now imagine the same thing only ten times worse; In Auschwitz that is exactly what it was like. During the time of the Holocaust thousands of Jewish people were sent to this very concentration camp which consisted of three camps put into one. Here they had one camp; Auschwitz I; the main camp, Auschwitz II; Birkenau, and last is Auschwitz III; Monowitz. Each camp was responsible for a different part but all were after the same thing; elimination of the Jewish race. In these camps they had cruel punishments, harsh housing, and they had Nazi guards watching them and killing them on a daily basis.
The Holocaust or the Ha-Shoah in Hebrew meaning ‘the day of the Holocaust and heroism’ refers to the period of time from approximately January 30,1933, when Adolf Hitler became the legal official of Germany, to May 8,1945. After the war was over in Europe, the Jews in Europe were being forced to endure the horrifying persecution that ultimately led to the slaughter of over 6 million Jews with about 1.5 million of them being children as well as the demolition of 5,000 Jewish communities.
which resulted in the death of many innocent people and numerous Jews. Hitler became leader of the Nazi party and chancellor of Germany. For example,’ ‘Hitler was never elected, he came second, until President Hindenburg was forced to appoint Hitler as chancellor in 1933.’’ ( This supports one way of how he rose to power and did everything he did.
In March of 1933 the first Nazi concentration camp was opened and by the end of World War II there was over 40,000 camps all together. While in these camps Jewish people were subjected to cruel and inhumane punishments
The death camp was a terrible place where people where killed. Hitler is who created the death camp for Jews. The death camp was used for extermination on Jews. This occurred on 1939 – 1945. The death camps were in the country of Europe. Hitler did all this because he didn’t like Jews and the religions. The book Night is a autobiography written by Elie Wiesel. The poem called First they came for the communist written by Martin Neimoller is a autobiography.
The Holocaust was a tragic piece of the worlds history. It happened from 1933 to 1945, and it was a mass killing and discrimination against people of certain races. They started with the Nuremberg Laws when Hitler became the most powerful. Hitler was a strange man who blamed Jews for the fall of Germany. There are several reasons as to why we study the Holocaust, the most important is so we never face something like this again.
Adolf Hitler was a German. He got arrested for doing ilegal things within the government of Germany. After Hitler was free from prison he went back to work in the government of Germany. Hitler slowly made his way through the German government. While worked his way to the top he created laws and changed things to make everything he was going to do legal. Once Hitler made it to the top he started to kill Jews and other undesirables. Hitler wanted all the Jews and all the other undesirables gone he wanted to make them suffer. He had made the plan of the Holocaust to get rid of the undesirables.
History, however, generally identifies the Holocaust to be the series of events that occurred in the years before and during World War II. The Holocaust started in 1933 with the persecuting and terrorizing of Jews by the Nazi Party, and ended in 1945 with the murder of millions of helpless Jews by the Nazi war-machine. "The Holocaust has become a symbol of brutality and of one people's inhumanity to another." Resnick p. 11. The man responsible for the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler and his Nazi war machine.
The first concentration camps were set up in 1933. Hitler established the camps when he came into power for the purpose of isolating, punishing, torturing, and killing anyone suspected of opposition against his regime. In the early years of Hitler's reign, concentration camps were places that held people in protective custody. These people in protective custody included those who were both physically and mentally ill, gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, Jews and anyone against the Nazi regime. By the end of 1933 there were at least fifty concentration camps throughout occupied Europe.
Hitler’s passionate hate for Jewish people led to the darkest time in history, the Holocaust. Millions of innocent people become victims at the hands of Hitler, Ellie Wiesel, was one of the many. Wiesel, a famous Holocaust survival, wrote about his experience as a prisoner in Auschwitz. He endeared several years of physical and mental torment. In his time as a prisoner he questioned his faith in God exclaiming, “ I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s kept his promises” (Wiesel 77). As Germany’s leader, Hitler took it upon himself to attack the Jewish population, making him infamously unforgettable. Adolf Hitler was Germany’s worst leader because he placed millions of people in inhumane situations, sentenced millions to death, and left his country in ruins.
Soon after Germany separated from Austria in March 1938, the Nazi soldiers arrested and imprisoned Jews in concentration camps all over Germany. Only eight months after annexation, the violent anti-jew Kristallnacht , also known as Night of the Broken Glass, pogroms took place. The Nazi soldiers arrested masses of male adult Jews and held them captive in camps for short periods of time. A death camp is a concentration camp designed with the intention of mass murder, using strategies such as gas chambers. Six death concentration camps exis...