Essay On The Golden Age Of Sports In The 1920s

1192 Words3 Pages

Will Barnwell
The 1920s, the Golden Age of Sports
11 March 2018
The 1920s, the Golden Age of Sports
In an era where a post wartime economy boomed, transportation and media innovations mobilized rural communities and an enticement to enjoy leisure ensued, the United States ushered in a “Golden Age of Sports” in the 1920s. This golden age became a reality as extraordinary athletes emerged in virtually every sport from baseball, football, tennis, golf, polo, and boxing among many others. Athletes were becoming crowned as models for American children, and sport was bridged as not only a builder of physical skills but also of strong moral character. Radio and newspapers also contributed to the "ballyhoo," or dramatic interest, surrounding sporting events as mass media helped transform local athletes into national icons. The popularity of watching and participating in sporting events increased as a result of more money and free time from work to spend on leisure activities. Spectator sports such as boxing, football, and baseball reached new heights of popularity and massive stadiums were built in cities to cater for the increasing interest of people who wanted to watch and enjoy the excitement of spectator sports.
Sport in the United States during the twenties …show more content…

By examining Ruth's first film, it shows that Ruth was much more than just a great baseball player to the people of his era. His accomplishments, his unique personality, and his presence in the media became symbols of how Americans saw themselves in the 1920s as self-made individuals of courage and humility. Headin' Home and the news reports about Ruth did not create those symbols so much as they reflected an image that audiences, the media, and Ruth himself, wanted to

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