Essay On The Black Death

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In the fourteenth century many events happened that changed and shaped society, some more disastrous than others. Each event had its own effect on the way society would continue from that point on, and each event made irrevocable changes to society. The Black Death is an event that began in the fourteenth century that had a huge destabilizing impact on society and the way people lived their lives. It can be considered the most traumatic event of the fourteenth century.
The Black Death first appeared in Sicily around October 1347, abroad Genoese trading ships that had sailed from the port of Caffa. The men on these ships were diseased and dying with black swellings and boils all over their body and most died within five days. The Black Death had made its way to Europe, and started to wreak havoc on the population. By January 1348, the plague had reached Paris and by August it was in England. Populations sharply decreased as the plague took its toll, indiscriminate in its killing. Worse of all, it wasn’t just one disease that was killing off whole populations- there were two differ...

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