Essay On Term Limits

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The United States has one of the best Constitutions that the world has seen, it has lasted through the years, through many different situations and it still survives to this day. One of the main benefits of our Constitution is that it is flexible, if our government finds it necessary, they can change and ratify the document to better govern our country. While many of our amendments have gone through change throughout the years, there is one that still needs to be changed. The 22nd amendment of the United States was ratified to combat anyone in the position as President from staying in office too long, thus giving them more power than they should have. While this was a good policy to enact it only enforced term limits on the President, not any of the other branches of government, even though these …show more content…

The House of Representatives voted 227-204 in favor of an amendment that would limit its own terms, in 1995. Unfortunately, even though the bill was able to get majority it did not get the 2/3 vote it needed, but it is a start. By knowing that this amendment could actually go through, voters can worry about other aspects of the legislation. The proposed term limits should not be any shorter than 10 years, as mentioned above this job has a learning curve, by allowing members to stay on for 10 or more years they would feel that they have enough time to get what they want done without the added benefit of staying indefinitely. The legislation would not go into effect immediacy, that is people who have been their past the term limit would not be automatically kicked out. The election cycle would still go on as planes, luckily voting for congress is in waves, so we do not replace every member at once. This gives the added benefit of allowing new members to spend time with experienced members and making sure the congress is not filled with inexperienced

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