Essay On Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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In literature, symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors are used to make a plot or meaning deeper in a story or novel. They are used to hint at an emotion towards something without directly stating it. Symbols are an author’s way of enhancing the story whether the symbols are hidden or obvious they all are all carried with an important meaning behind them. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald uses symbolism to create a more realistic story for the reader. Many symbols are presented throughout the story but Gatsby’s house, the green light, and the East and West egg have a stronger meaning than the reader might think.

To begin with, one of the novel’s most important symbol is Gatsby’s house. To the readers the house may sound like a luxurious building that not any ordinary person may own unless they are wealthy. In the Great Gatsby, the house is expressed as “a colossal affair by any standard...” (Fitzgerald 5), but it represents much more than what is seems. The house is a representation of Gatsby’s true love for Daisy and of his true character. AS the h...

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