Essay On Subliminal Messages

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A subliminal message is a signal or message that is designed to be unrecognizable to the conscious mind, while affecting the subconscious and unconscious mind in a negative or positive way. These messages can be used to influence thoughts, actions, behaviors, and attitudes. But is our government sending out these messages to influence our decisions? To some, the answer to this question is a definite no. Some would say that the eventuality of our government influencing our decisions through subliminal messages is completely preposterous and absurd. I would disagree with these people. I think it is very plausible that we are being controlled like puppets by our government.
Some people might question the effectiveness of subliminal messages. There are even people that think that these messages don’t work at all. So let me clear that up for you, they work. All it takes is a flash of an image or a phrase and your thoughts could be influenced. Just a small fraction of a second of exposer could influence you, and don’t think it can’t.
In 1957, a marketing researcher looked into statistical data. James Vicary claimed to find dramatic increases in the sales of Coca-Cola and popcorn when he flashed the phrases "Drink Coca-Cola" and "Eat popcorn" for 1/2000 of a second during a movie. After completing his research, Vicary said, “The statistics showed an increase in popcorn sales by 58 percent, with an increase in Coca-Cola sales by 18 percent” (Dane, 2014). Although this could be a coincidence, it also could show that subliminal messaging works.
In 1979, in an article Time magazine reported that nearly 50 department stores in the U.S. and Canada were using subliminal messages in their music systems to reduce shoplifting and employee thef...

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...uthor for, says, “The methods are relatively simple and classic. First, use the terror itself to put people into a state of shock, making them more susceptible to suggestion. Then resort to the "Big Lie" technique to repeatedly hammer home your spyware message--those affirmative answers to the questions we first asked” (Wolf, 2014). The government could have used this very method on us. They scared us with the attack, and now we are easily influenced by their subliminal messages.
So, is the government sending us subliminal messages? There’s really not any solid, 100 percent proof, but do we really need it? It’s all right here. If you don’t think that our government would do such a terrible thing, it’s time for you to wake up pal. Our government is planting ideas in our head, whether you like it or not. And the sad thing is, we can’t do a thing about it.

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