Essay On Strength Training

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Concurrent training can best be described as an attempt to combine endurance training and strength training within a training programme in an attempt to improve both strength and endurance simultaneously.
When thinking about the term interference we can sometimes associate it with conflict between two or more identities, strength training is often used due to the highly anaerobic nature of the activity, in order to attain certain physiological outcomes that may be beneficial for sports performance (Harries, Lubans & Callister, 2012). In team games strength and conditioning coaches utilize exercises in a gym setting, which they hope will bring about adaptations in muscle size, strength and hypertrophy. To do this coaches must come up with suitable training programmes that don’t cause unnecessary fatigue to the athlete and suit the requirements of the sport and what the technical coach wants. In rugby there are a lot of areas of the training where there are demands for anaerobic and aerobic exercise; so the ability to perform well in both aspects is desirable (Impellizzeri, Rampinini & Marcora, 2005; Maud, 1983; Morton, 1978). During the interference effect some of the aerobic training that the players may do (like a 2km run) may have detrimental impacts on ability to perform anaerobic activity later on (Hickson, 1980 and Hunter, Demment & Miller, 1987), this is thought to be due to a build-up of hydrogen ions within the muscle (Cooke, Franks, Luciani & Pate, 1988). Hickson, (1980) suggests that during a strength training programme adding endurance training to the same programme inhibits muscle strength improvements.

Sometimes there are no reported signs of interference between: training f...

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... the depletion of muscle glycogen and a reduction in pH on a cellular level (Coyle et al., 1983; Sahlin, Tonkonogi & Söderlund, 1998). In moderate – high intensity anaerobic exercise fatigue can be linked to a reduction in pH level with depletion in ATP stores and muscle glycogen depletion playing a small role (Reilly, 1997). In very high intensity exercise fatigue could occur when there is either an increase in ADP, inorganic phosphate or a reduction in muscle pH however a specific cause is hard to identify (Lambert & Flynn, 2002). Other limiting factors might include the effect that metabolic acidosis has, by limiting contraction force output of a muscle (Bogdanis, Nevill, Lakomy & Boobis, 1998), the accumulation of ammonia (Brouns, Beckers, Wagenmakers & Saris, 1990) and the reduction in the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium (Favero, 1999).

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