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Healthcare system compared to other countries
Healthcare system compared to other countries
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Introduction Spain and the United States (U.S.) have two very distinct health care systems. For this reason, Spain was the country chosen to compare their health care system with that of the United States of America. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2014), Spain ranked in the top ten lists coming in at seventh place, ranking ahead of the United States. Spain offers universal health care coverage as a constitutional right; however, citizens have the opportunity of purchasing an additional supplemental insurance (Seaman, 2009). In Spain, patients have the option of seeing the health care providers they prefer and as often as they want, with no co-payments and no claim forms to fill. Even the undocumented immigrants are treated in Spain (Socolovsky, 2009). This is very beneficial for those living in Spain, because when they are sick or have a health problem, they can get treated stress free by a health care provider. In Spain no one is turned away or denied care, even if citizens become unemployed, short of money, or in need …show more content…
is very expensive, and yet in many local hospitals there are nursing shortages. In many rural areas, there are also physician and nursing shortages (Holtz, 2008). Physicians and nurses are paid well for their jobs in the U.S. there is just an increase need of more health care providers. There are major health disparities in the U.S. amongst different races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses (Holtz, 2008). People who are poor, or of low income, probably will not have the health care they need, and have a higher chance of having a mental illness in comparison to those from higher economic status (Holtz, 2008). With that, it is clear that there is an uneven distribution of health care in the United States. Lessened minorities are less expected than the greater minority to have good health care, with less opportunity to access diagnostic examinations, medications, and surgical practices (Holtz,
Gaining access to health care can be rather difficult for immigrants. There always seem to be some sort of obstacle in the way. For example, the cost of health care is skyrocketing. Immigrants whether they are legal aliens or illegal aliens are impacted the most by high health care costs. Each year the numbers for health care change but they never seem to get lower. Immigrants lack health care insurance due to the high cost of health care.
There are an estimated 11.1 million undocumented immigrants currently residing in the United States. The current healthcare model pertains to all U.S citizens, but what are the parameters and regulations regarding those who live here illegally? The purpose of this paper is to not only answer this question, but also to address concerns regarding the provision of health care benefits, rights, and our ethical responsibilities to this population.
The health care system in Italy compared to the health care system in America is completely different from one another. Italy and America take two completely different approaches to a health care system which is supported by income tax and the private health sector (Glauco). In America the public health system is restricted to Medicare and Medicaid, which in turn means the private health insurance is the main source of health coverage (Glauco). The citizens of Italy pay approximately 50% of their income tax in order to receive free health coverage (Glauco). To some, Italy’s health care system may seem more reasonable. However, the system can become tricky, since the free healthcare is limited to emergency services and general practitioner visits (Glauco). Any specialty doctor visit has a cost as well as some prescriptions
The public needs to address racial disparities in health which is achievable by changing policy addressing the major components of socioeconomic status (income, education, and occupation) as well as the pathways by which these affect health. To modify these risk factors, one needs to look even further to consider the factors. Socioeconomic status is a key underlying factor. Several components need to be identified to offer more options for those working on policy making. Because the issue is so big, I believe that not a single policy can eliminate health disparities in the United States. One possible pathway can be education, like the campaign to decrease tobacco usage, which is still a big problem, but the health issue has decreased in severity. The other pathway can be by addressing the income, by giving low-income individuals the same quality of care as an individual who has a high
Large disparities exist between minorities and the rest of Americans in major areas of health. Even though the overall health of the nation is improving, minorities suffer from certain diseases up to five times more than the rest of the nation. President Clinton has committed the nation to eliminating the disparities in six areas of health by the Year 2010, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be jumping in on this huge battle. The six areas are: Infant Mortality, Cancer Screening and Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, HIV Infection and AIDS, and Child and Adult Immunizations.
Healthcare disparities are when there are inequalities or differences of the conditions of health and the quality of care that is received among specific groups of people such as African Americans, Caucasians, Asians, or Hispanics. Not only does it occur between racial and ethnic groups, health disparities can happen between males and females as well. Minorities have the worst healthcare outcomes, higher death rates, and are more prone to terminal diseases. For African American men and women, some of the most common health disparities are diabetes, cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and HIV infections. Some factors that can contribute to disparities are healthcare access, transportation, specialist referrals, and non-effective communication with patients. There is also much racism that still occurs today, which can be another reason African Americans may be mistreated with their healthcare. “Although both black and white patients tended not to endorse the existence of racism in the medical system, African Americans patients were more likely to perceive racism” (Laveist, Nickerson, Bowie, 2000). Over the years, the health care system has made improvements but some Americans, such as African Americans, are still being treating unequally when wanting the same care they desire as everyone else.
“Homelessness can be the cause as well as the result of poor health” (Wise, Emily, Debrody, Corey &ump; Paniucki, Heather, 1999, p.445). This is a reoccurring theme that has existed within the homeless population for decades. While programs to help reduce this constant circle are being put in place all over the country to provide medical services for the homeless to be able to go to, many are still finding that health care needs for individuals as well as homeless communities are not being met. Many studies have been completed that study both the opinion on healthcare by those who have access to sufficient health care and homeless people’s perceptions on health care administration. While many companies are working to provide more personal health care systems, it appears that the larger problem is with a lack of people know about the health care systems that are in place to help them. Companies are trying to advertise more often to inform homeless people that there is health care out there for them.
The elimination of disparities in mental health care among ethnic, racial and underprivileged populations, specifically minorities remains a challenge amongst mental health care workers and medical professionals. Many minority areas are more impoverished, rely on government assistance and have a higher incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, chronic diseases, and injuries compare to any other ethnicity. In recent studies there are strategies to help eliminate disparities in mental health care, such as improving health care access, quality, offering diverse mental health workforce, providers, and patient education. These are just several strategies that can help assist in disparities. The goal is to reduce or eliminate racial, ethnic and socioeconomic health inequalities that affect minorities.
Despite the established health care facilities in the United States, most citizens do not have access to proper medical care. We must appreciate from the very onset that a healthy and strong nation must have a proper health care system. Such a health system should be available and affordable to all. The cost of health services is high. In fact, the ...
Socioeconomic Disparities and health are growing at a rapid rate throughout the United States of America. To further understand the meaning of Socioeconomic Disparities, Health and Socioeconomic disparities & health, this essay will assist in providing evidence. Disparities can be defined in many ways, of which include ethnic and racial background and class types that deal with it the most. Due to the low income some individuals receive, they have less access to health care and are at risk for major health issues. Although, ethnicity and socioeconomic status should not determine the level of health care one should receive or whether not the individual receives healthcare.
The OECD Review of Health Systems: Mexico 2016 finds that the portion of the population uncovered to unreasonable or depriving health care costs has fallen from 3.3% to 0.8% of the population in the past decade. Main indicators such as infant mortality, and deaths from heart attacks or stroke, as well as patient satisfaction rates, have improved because of a better access to affordable health care services. And ground-breaking efforts to keep Mexicans healthy – like the sugar tax, food labelling and regulations for adverts targeting children – are well-designed and internationally innovative policies. Healthcare is tremendously important but often overlooked part of Mexico’s national development and economic growth. As with most other middle-income countries, Mexico does not have universal access to coverage for its population. About half of Mexico’s population does not have health insurance under the current siloed
Despite the substantial developments in diagnostic and treatment processes, there is convincing evidence that ethnic and racial minorities normally access and receive low quality services compared to the majority communities (Lum, 2011). As such, minority groups have higher mortality and morbidity rates arising from both preventable and treatable diseases judged against the majority groups. Elimination of both racial and ethnic disparities is mainly politically sensitive, but plays an important role in the equitable access of services, including the health care ones without discrimination. In addition, accountability, accessibility, and availability of equitable health care services are crucial for the continually growing
beliefs and practices into their plan of care. The Hispanic population is now the largest
Most health care plans do not collect socioeconomic or racial/ethnic data on their plan members. The recognition of disparities in health care as a quality issue has far-reaching implications for reducing socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in health care. It is difficult to isolate racial/ethnic disparities in health care due to socioeconomic disparities because race and socioeconomic position are so closely intertwined, especially in the United States. However, socioeconomic position appears to be the more powerful determinant of health, as mentioned above. Fiscella et al. proposed five principles for addressing disparities, some of which were- 1) “disparities must be recognized as a significant quality problem”; and 2) “an approach to disparities should account for the relationships between both socioeconomic position and race/ethnicity and morbidity. Consideration should be given to linking reimbursement to the socioeconomic position and racial/ethnicity composition of the enrolled population.”
Health care has always been an interesting topic all over the world. Voltaire once said, “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” It may seem like health care that nothing gets accomplished in different health care systems, but ultimately many trying to cures diseases and improve health care systems.