Essay On Solar Winds

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In 1910, Arthur Eddington, a British Astrophysicist, discovered solar winds. Solar winds are basically a continuous flow (they are never ending basically) of particles from the sun. They are also known as stellar winds. Their usual way out of the sun is the coronal holes. Their main cause is an expansion of gases in the corona, which is the outer layer of the sun. The idea that the corona is plasma was thought of by Richard C. Carrington. The temperature of the corona is 2,200,000 degrees Celsius. It is so hot that not even the sun’s gravity can contain it. It heats gases and makes them expand. The gas items run into each other as they are heated. As a result, they lose their electrons. Then, the atoms become ions with a positive charge, the electrons and ions (which are mostly Hydrogen ions) make up the solar wind. The velocity of solar winds goes from 250 to 1000 kilometers every second. It has a density of 82 ions for every cubic inch, or 5 ions per cubic centimeter. Solar winds are the cause of many occurrences in the solar system like Mercury having no atmosphere, and Venus’ acidic, radiation filled clouds. They are also known as electrically charged hurricanes.
The magnetosphere, which is a constituency of strong magnetic forces surrounding Earth, gets compressed to become a teardrop shape by the solar wind as it moves past Earth. The magnetosphere stops the solar wind from reaching our Earth’s surface. When the solar wind blusters on a comet, it makes an ion tail which is one of the many types of tails a comet can have. There are some ion tails that are long and straight, and there are some made of ionized matter, that solar winds blow off the comet. Some solar winds miss the Earth when solar winds infringe our magnetic fi...

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... You can think of solar winds as the external corona in an episode of continuous expansion. The solar wind is made of pretty much the same material as the lower corona or photosphere of the sun. Solar winds usually have lots of Hydrogen because Hydrogen tends to be attracted to solar winds. This is much unlike Helium because Helium is not attracted to solar winds. The sun loses little bits of energy because solar winds take atom parts (protons, and electrons) from it. Solar winds take over 1,000,000 tons worth of mass from the sun every second, but our sun’s mass is so much that this much mass is considered pretty much nothing. The sun’s heliosphere is taken over by solar winds. The solar winds have less and less pressure as it gets farther and farther from the sun. At 100 AU from the sun the solar winds cannot balance on their own because it is interstellar space.

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