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Sociology studies heavily on the interactions between individuals in different settings. For those who go off to college and decide to live on campus, they are presented a new setting of living with another student who could possibly have a similar background or in contrast a very different background. The factors that can contribute to the background differences are endless. Human interaction is very fascinating and is constantly being observed. Therefore plenty of research has been done on roommate interactions. This paper focuses specifically on the University of California Los Angeles population of freshmen. UCLA has a large amount of diversity and is particularly great for the study of people with different backgrounds coming together and interacting. Both qualitative and quantitative research has been done on this topic, but this paper will focus on qualitative data through interviews. All the participants were thorough with their responses and tried their best to answer as honestly as possible. Overall the data presented varied results with each factor creating a different outcome when it came to the interactions and the closeness of the two roommates. Although the participants gave good insight into their backgrounds through the answering of the interview questions, there is the possibility of many other influences in their lives that could allow for either cohesiveness or non-cohesiveness with roommates that just weren’t examined closely enough. This paper will try to answer how differences in ethnicity or race, socioeconomic background, and other background aspects affect college roommate interactions.
How do differences in ethnicity or race, socioeconomic background, and other backgrou...
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... the same factors explored in this essay. Prejudices and ignorance play enormous roles with interactions. It’s not our goal to fix these issues but rather understand why they happen. College campuses are great for seeing how certain backgrounds can influence a relationship. Many of the relationships of the students where doomed from the beginning, because they were simply too different and they were not used to it. The only way a difference in factors such as race and class would be fine were those where both roomies had backgrounds that included previous interactions with those of different races and classes allowing for them to adjust easily.
Human interactions will continue as long as the human race exists and with that sociologist will continue to study and question these interactions and how they evolve and change with the change of cultures and societies.
In the essay “Campus Diversity and Student Self-Segregation: Separating Myths from Facts” by Debra Humphreys, the writer explains the research conducted on racial and ethnic groups in many diverse universities. Humphrey’s cites recent research of diversity and self-segregation on college campuses to determine the benefits of each. Humphrey’s first gives us her point of view of self-segregation in which she thinks it doesn’t have a positive impact on students today in the classroom and later on in life. She believes that diversity is an “essential ingredient in many students’ persistence and success in college.” (575, Hoeffner and Hoeffner).
Our literature review consisted of six scholarly articles that were studies done on students who were going into college. The first article that we found focused on how important communication is when it comes to making friends. McEwan & Guerrero (2010) talked about the benefits of communication before getting to know someone. We based our questions off of this article regarding communication in order to find out about roommate interactions.
For example, it has been said many times in multiple different ways that academic success is typically associated with certain races and not others. This is a very stereotypical comment and it is sad that these types of judgements are present in the educational system. In Beverly Daniel Tatum’s essay entitled, “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” she discusses how self-segregation occurs in the education system today. Tatum touches on that the possible reasons that students tend to socialize with students of the same racial identity as themselves are cultural stereotypes. It is understandable that a student in order to avoid judgements would want to be around others who understand them and know what they are going through at school. A possible and very hurtful example of judgement that may cause students of color to flock together is that “doing well in school becomes identified as trying to be White,” (Tatum). A student in today’s education system undergoes enough stress as it is and they should not have to be worried with racial protocols. Why is being advanced and thriving in school only to be considered a White characteristic? I know plenty of White students who are struggling with passing classes and I also know several overly intelligent latinos, black and Asians. I am sure that I am not the only student to think that this unspoken rule that you
People of different ethnic backgrounds are influenced by both cultural and societal normalities to want to naturally return to their own ethnic groups. In Beverly Daniel Tatum’s book “Why Are All Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” Tatum tries to explain why in even racially diverse schools, people of the same race tend to gravitate toward one another causing racial separation. Tatum claims that people of the same race, particularly black kids, are likely to turn toward people who understand their shared perspective. Although Tatum effectively uses a conversational tone and emotionally charged words, her overuse of biased interviews and experiences forces the reader to question the validity of her portrayal of race relations.
... the level of education problems such as outside gossiping, financial differences, differences in interests, and the decrease in one’s pride can occur.
Solorzano, D., Ceja, M., & Yosso, T. (2000). Critical race theory, racial microaggressions, and campus racial climate: The experiences of African American college students. Journal of Negro Education, 69(1/2), 60-73.
. Growing up in a divers area is quite benifiticial when you get to college. You will be able to interact with all kinds of people and you will not have to overcome the race barrier that some other people have to deal with. In the article “What's Past is Prologue: How Precollege Exposure to Racial Diversity Shapes the Impact of College Interracial Interactions” by Bowman, Nicholas focuses on their precollege experience and explores whether and how the impac...
The practice of ethnic separation and segregation is common on every college and university campus. Since this practice has happened through history, it is remarkable that this has only been recognized recently as a true problem (Jacobs, 2). Segregation has hampered America as long as it has existed. Ethnicity and segregation was nearly the cause of this country splitting apart during the Civil War. Since then reformation and hard work has attempted to bring unity to this country. Though today, college students have regressed, university pupils are "standing by" their own and are not branching out to those who are unlike them in ethnicity. People in general, but more specifically college students are segregated in their lives ( Kramer, 12). From the way they act, what they do or do not do, the type of people they socialize with, to where people sit - students are split. College students group together as a result of ethnicity at events and establishments or locations on university campuses.
Co-sleeping is an issue that is vital on different traditional and cultural influences. Due to modifications in socio-economic status, social ethics and values, there are variations of cultures amongst countries and regions viewing on co-sleeping (Huang & Wang, pg. 170). For example, in the United Kingdom, United States, Germany and several other industrialized countries, the predominant medical belief is that co-sleeping is to be depressed and discouraged, despite the lack of research that can validate and establish that co-sleeping is mostly dangerous, unsafe, and hazardous (Huang & Wang, pg. 170).
After reviewing the article titles given for this first assignment, I believe they indicate that Sociology, generally speaking, is not only a study of diversity or commonality in traits among people; it is also a science about factors in a person’s life and how these factors culminate responses. Interestingly enough, its topics of concern seem to be directly determined by current and common events of the world. Through the invention and expansion of new ideas, popular trends and fashions through time, Sociology adapts to responsibly to service the very subjects of interest it studies; for, even the slightest change of a person’s daily experience can have an insurmountable impact on attitude, personal growth, family dynamics and basic group behavior.
There are many different types of relationships. From your neighbor to your significant other, experiencing different relationships is a part of everyday life. Wether you posses good or bad communication skills will affect the interpersonal relationships within your life. The popular television series Modern Family is a good example of the different types of friendships, types of love, and relationship theories that encompass the everyday person.
Changing can be the biggest obstacle many student will have to face while attending a University. Students will have to learn how to be on their own, and on top of that learn around what people to associate them self with. In Alfred Lubrano essay “The Shock of Education: How College Corrupts”, he explains how many students struggle with parents and friends while attending college. However, Lubrano goes on to say that depending on cultural ethnicity will determine how the years at college will change a person. Parents have spent about 18 years to mold their children the way they want, but the moment they enter college it seems to deteriorate into pieces, because of all the new material the students are learning.
Marriage and cohabitation play a central role in how family life is carried out. The way in which society views marriage and cohabitation is changing as individualism becomes an increasingly mainstream ideal. Marriage rates have decreased significantly on average over the past 60 years, but different groups show different rates of change. While certain sects each have their views, the general trends are showing decreasing marriage rates in lower income individuals, and increasing marriage rates in higher income educated individuals. These rates are directly connected to racial-ethnic groups, leading to larger gaps in socioeconomic status.
To Quote Anthony Giddens: "Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies. It is a dazzling and compelling enterprise, having as its subject matter our own behaviour as social beings. The scope of sociology is extremely wide, ranging from the analysis of passing encounters between individuals in the street up to the investigation of world-wide social processes“(1989). Gidden’s statement describes sociology as a study that helps us understand our own behaviour as human beings in a social word. Sociologist study everything from the interaction between people in the street to the interaction between different countries. Sociologists aim to study how societies have changed over, how societies are structured and organized, the norms of society. It’s also important to understand that not all sociologists agree with each other, Sociologists often debate with one another to prove/disprove certain theories and concepts. By studying Sociology is it helps us analyze social conflicts on a micro and macro scope. Through a macro level, we can study large-scale social organization and large social categories it also examinees social processes and patterns society as a whole. We can analyze individuals much deeper on a micro level. This way we study a human by face-to face interactions. Its important as humans to understand the way our society came together and the reasons to how elements work and function together. Sociology gives us a deeper
... more and more in a society that is withdrawing further and further, the development of technology has created a distancing between people and eventually it will have to be dealt with in some manner. Who better to help the divide than social scientists. Social interactions are becoming increasingly less personal and communication is being lost in many areas within life. I believe that the future of social science lies in the belly of communication and interpersonal interaction becoming personal once again.