Rhinoplasty is a term originated from the Greek word 'rhinos' meaning nose and 'plassein' meaning to shape. Therefore rhinoplasty in its simple sense just means to shape the nose. Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention usually done to either normalize the function or improve appearance of the nose. It is done by an otolaryngologist or a head neck surgeon as a part of reconstructive surgery or of cosmetic surgeries. It is usually known by the name "nose job" or nose shaping, because of its purpose of fulfilling the aesthetic goals and correcting any traumatic injuries. It is also performed along with chin augmentation surgeries.
Rhinoplasty is performed either under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Rhinoplasty consists of mainly two surgical approaches. One is a closed approach and the other open. In closed type, the incisions will be put inside nostrils, whereas in open, an extra incision is made along the membrane that splits the nostrils. This thin bit of skin dividing the two nostrils is called columella. Rhinoplasty can also be classified as two types; one is primary and the other secondary rhinoplasty.
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Primary as its name suggests is the surgery of nose done for either cosmetic or functional or reconstructive purpose.
Secondary rhinoplasty is the procedure done on an unsatisfactory outcome of rhinoplasty. This occurs in almost 5-20% cases. Many new innovations was made in rhinoplasty in recent years, stabilization of the grafts of rib cartilage, open approach utilization etc are some of the new age results of rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty does have a number of benefits. It can restore skin surface area, refurbish airflow through nasal cavity, and re-establish normal
contours. It can be done as an emergency surgery in the aftermath of trauma. It is one of the preferred surgeries for septum perforation and the resulting nose collapse. Once after a cosmetic surgery in the face, nasal obstruction is a general complication. Thus here also rhinoplasty is of greater importance. Excision of Skin cancer is also done via rhinoplasty. Congenital deformities due to vascular malformations and abnormalities due to cleft lip can also be treated via rhinoplasty. Here, the rhinoplasty is done in adjunct with laser treatment. There is also something that is referred as non surgical rhinoplasty which means a mere invasive procedure with injectables resulting in the change of the structure and shape of the nose. This is performed in an outpatient department. There are also nose inserts available so as to reshape the nostrils.
Nordqvist, Christian. “What is Cosmetic Surgery? What is Plastic Surgery?” Medical News Today. 30 June 2009. Web. 13 March 2014.
Sinus cavity and extraction sockets were totally excluded from this classification because the healing process h...
The surgery cannot only enhance the appearance of your lids, boost your self-image and confidence, but may also help you improve vision that may be obstructed by excess fat/skin on the upper eyelid.
The first function of cosmetic surgery is to correct and to undo damage done to one’s face or body. Cosmetic surgery restores disfigurement resulting from an accident such as a car crash wherein the face may suffer an injury.
“Individuals are encouraged, even expected to make ‘lifestyle’ choices to maximize their life chance and simultaneously held responsible for managing and minimizing the risk associated with these decisions” (Leve, 2012:124). Media discourse is part of everyone’s day to day life, ideals of bodies are shown in all these media communication’s in order to appeal to the consumer. This could be considered to have made society become obsessed by looks, meaning that individuals feel the pressures to keep up with how people are represented in the media, for example recognized celebrities in magazines. According to The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, or BAAPS, there was a 16.5 percent increase of procedures in 2012. These statistics show that cosmetic surgery is becoming normalized, “This is how we live now. Anything that makes us feel better about our appearance, whether it involves needles, knives or acid, is acceptable’ (Wiseman, 2012)
Reader! It has come to my attention that the human world has been thrown into major conflicts surrounding the ethics of restoring the function of the face, using microsurgery, to those with severe disfigurements (Lamparello). This revolution of the science that led to my creation has almost rendered me speechless! No longer will patients feel hideous in their own skin because of unforeseen circumstances. Oh, how it is a horrid life to live, to be unaccepted by your fellow man, no matter how much YOU try and assimilate! Facial reconstruction is an innovative process that can improve the self-confidence of those whom were born naturally disfigured or were disfigured later in their lifetime. Face transplantation implores my interest simply because of how close it pounds at my wretched heart. When I escaped to a land far from the accursed laboratory I was “born” in, I found documents belonging to my creator that detailed his disgusted thoughts during my creation and final “birth”. It was exceptionally difficult to study his horror-stricken account of my hideous appearance (Shelley 34). When he’d lain his eyes on his obsession for the first time, he promptly disregarded his previous claims of my
Everyone in today’s society has pressure put on themselves because of the way they look. No matter if you are the most gorgeous/handsome person on this planet, that specific person has their own faults with their image. Financial success now a days puts pressure on others image. For instance, for women to work at “Twin Peaks,” “Hooters,” “Bone Daddy’s,” “Bombshells,” or any of the other sports bars, you either have to have one of the following, “Boobs, butt, pretty face, or a flat stomach.” If you are hired with one or the other, let’s face it… you will get talked about and or made fun of. As for men, it is pretty much the same. Just as the new “Tallywackers” that opened up in Dallas. People (women mostly) that go into the restaurant, get to choose their server before they sit down. To others that is completely unfair, because their body image depends on their pay that night. With how bad people are getting teased/bullied, changing to the opposite sex, getting plastic surgery and etc. no one seems to have tried to do anything about any of it. It is probably because we have all kinds of different ways with technology to make someone feel beautiful and good about themselves, that it does not need to be fixed. Though in some cases, others do not have money to do what
First and foremost, addressing the use of cosmetic or, in this sense more aptly, aesthetic surgery for restoration and reparation of human anatomy damaged by unfortunate incidents, it is common to come to a consensus where people are agreeable to the sur...
Subotic, D. and Lardinois, D. 2013. Chapter 9. Surgical treatment of bronchiectasis. European Respiratory Society Monograph, 61 pp. 90-106.
Some people have decided that plastic surgery may help improve someones mental health and therefore should be included in health care insurance, I think this is just absurd. I am all for the improvement of mental health care considering it is very lacking in this country but I also think that until there is more proof to this argument we should not include it in everyones medical insurance fees. America is having a crises when it comes to mental health care and already doesn't include mental health care in many insurance policies as it is and this far fetched idea may not be a good thing to add in for the general public until we have more evidence to support this topic. However, I don't think general cosmetic surgery should be allowed, I do see the benefit of other "cosmetic" surgeries such as gender reassignment surgery which I feel these are less cosmetic and more geared towards mental health.Basically, I generally disagree with the idea that cosmetic
Cosmetic Surgery is a great discovery that has been around for many centuries. “The history of plastic surgery origins in the early 800 B.C. when surgeons in India restored noses to persons who had them taken off as a form of punishment.” (History of Cosmetic Surgery, 2008) Many people have used over the years cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to enhance their physical appearance weather it be for health problems associated with birth defect or problems that they have developed over the years or to even alter physical appearances for instance nose jobs and tummy tucks. There are numerous types of cosmetic surgery that can be done today in the United States, over the year’s surgeons techniques have improved dramatically. There are a number of pro’s and con’s that go along with cosmetic surgery, such as the amount of recovery time and the initial cost of surgery. Statistics also show that cosmetic surgery has grown so rapidly over the years it is phenomenal people who receive cosmetic surgery goes up by the millions every year. While there can be many related health risks due to cosmetic sugary, many times cosmetic surgery is necessary and its is made more affordable than thought to be.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and not liked what you saw? Haven’t we all? How about this, have you ever looked in the mirror and considered spending thousands of dollars to change what you see? Nope, me neither, but unfortunately thousands of people everyday do. Whether it’s a new nose, bigger breasts, an uplifted face, or any other cosmetic surgery, everyday someone is going under the knife to feel better about themselves. Now you may think, well that’s fine if they’re happy that way. However, it is most likely that after a surgery they will be more upset with what they see. There are many risks ignored by patients having cosmetic surgery
Beauty is a huge thing in the world today. Looks are the first thing someone notices about you and it is what they judge you on. It is just how our society is today. Unfortunately, it is what the world has come to. The biggest extreme that someone can go to to enhance their natural beauty is to have plastic surgery. People are choosing to have plastic surgery due to the influence of celebrities, selfies, bullying, how important beauty is in society and the health benefits of it as well.
The world of cosmetic surgery is one of the largest and fastest growing industries worldwide, bringing in billions of dollars each year with cosmetic procedures that both men and women are having, in order to improve their looks, self esteem, and fulfilling societies norms and values. Cosmetic surgery has been accepted in certain cultures, this is a way of expressing who the person is. In my opinion cosmetic surgery is a good thing for individuals to pursue. As cosmetic surgery improves mental and physical well being, cosmetic surgeries through media, as cometic surgeries are improving health related issues, and creating opportunities for people.
Plastic surgery good and bad There are so many good and bad things that can come from getting plastic surgery. This essay will tell you all the effects, good and bad, that come from getting plastic surgery. The main reasons that people get plastic surgery are medical, personal, and at times career enhancement. Though we all should be satisfied with our looks, we aren’t.