Essay On Rhetorical Questions For The Great Gatsby

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The rhetorical questions contribute to the essay because it’s make questions that they should already know and to make the people to start questioning the government on the actions they been making and the laws they been promoting. “The only obligation which i have a right to assume is to do any time what i think is right” here it making the people to make a stand to stand up to the government and also to start questioning the government for all the things they have been doing. The effect that the literary device makes on the poem is that it makes it seem as if the narrator is mad talking to a bird and also it uses pathos when he says “leave my loneliness unbroken!” he doesn’t want help from anyone he divested because of the girl he loved died. The rhyme scheme and repetition are to affect the reader by making it more interesting and so they would understand what he what’s when he repeats the words over and over again. All the character in the story symbolize something but the ones that standed out the most were Jay Gatsby and Daisy. They are the main characters of the story and they represent something true about being wealthy. They both kinda have the same symbolize the same thing in way. The strange thing about it is that in the story they had a thing for each other. …show more content…

They wouldn’t make much. But that didn’t stop him becoming something in society. The way he made his money was by bootlegging business he also sold illegal alcohol. What Gatsby represents in the story what he symbolizes is his ambition to make money to make it out out of poverty. His ambition was so big that he did illegal things to get where he was at. When he’s describing the green light that are hopes and dreams especially his dreams. That's what Gatsby represents in the story to me his

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