Essay On Reputation In Beowulf

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Reputation: the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally. Our personal reputations are based off our own personalities, acts, or qualities. In the epic poem of Beowulf, each character has developed some kind of their own reputations based on their actions. The reputation they built themselves is important to the many different characters of Beowulf. The way we look at reputations today relate but also differ to the way they are looked at or depended on in Beowulf. To start, the overall main characters of the story are Beowulf and Grendel. Beowulf left himself a very positive reputation to the city of Herot. They are all very dependent on him. For example, in the textbook they call …show more content…

Grendel created a bad reputation for himself many times. The people of Herot fear him. This is an important reputation because Grendel is looked at as the villain of the story. He kills many people. For example, “He slipped through the door and there in the silence snatched up thirty men, smashed them unknowing in their beds and ran out with their bodies the blood dripping behind him, back to his lair delighted with his night’s slaughter.” (page 21) The people of Herot feared Grendel so much they would sleep in places other than their beds to stay away from. We relate this kind of reputation in today’s time period to people like mass murderers. For example, Adolf Hitler. He killed many people just because they were Jewish. Grendel killed a bunch of people because he was a man eating monster. If we look at the reputation of Hitler, many people dislike him for the actions he committed to innocent people just like Grendel. People feared Hitler as well as disliked him because they were scared he might kill them which is exactly the case with Grendel. He killed people, from what I inferred, just because he could. He is looked at as a villain and in most cases so is Hitler. There are many other examples of people in earlier time periods who have left a bad reputation for themselves. And many people, wanted either nothing to do with them or stayed far away from them like we saw in the story of

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