Essay On Refugees In Uganda

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Presently, just in the south west of Uganda there are about 188,000 refugees. These refugees come for various reasons such as, forced fleeing by war, violence, or persecution, and some are economic migrants who have voluntarily left their country to seek a better life elsewhere. This is a great improvement for Uganda compared to what it has faced in the past.

In the pre-independence era of Uganda (1942) the country hosted close to 7000 polish refugees (Office of the prime minister) but this changed in 1970 were many ugandans fled to other countries for refuge and asylum during the time of the Idi Amin government*. Therefore, the country has gone through large influxes but is now the home of countless north, east, and central african refugees.

This is of course with the help of many organizations ranging from a variety of UN organizations particularly, World Food Programme(WFP), United Nations High Comission for Refugees(UNHCR). Other aid also include, the American Refugee Council, Oxfam, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Uganda now holds 12 refugee camps and settlements* most with the carrying capacity of 80,000-90,000 refugees. Close to Mbarara, Uganda (see map on previous page) there is a well known refugee settlement called the Nakivale Refugee settlement, it currently has a population of over 80,000 refugees.

This camp is much heard of because of the refugees’ way of living, as they have found a way to make it their home by opening shops, farming, and various other businesses. They have also settled into the respective communities, the Ethiopian community and neighborhood, the Somalian, and the Congolese. On the camp, the refugees have personally gated their community so it is as though they are st...

... middle of paper ... on the camp their parents will still prefer they move to the United States so they can get a better education and a better life in the long run. The waiting is what caused Sara Girma to open a restaurant, because it simply distracts her from everything she has been waiting for such as, returning to her country, getting a third nationality, and having enough money to either leave the country or become an urbanized refugee. One thing interesting about this family is not only that they have not been back to Ethiopia in 15 years simply because him and Sara are afraid that if they return they will be killed, but because, yes, they live on a refugee settlement but occasionally take trips to Kampala to visit other Ethiopians and get supplies for their restaurants.

Results of the policies and Self Reliance Strategy (SRS)

Limitations of the Refugees Development

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