Essay On Radiation Therapist

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Ever since the eighth grade I have been passionate about becoming a radiation therapist. I credit this to a project in which I was required to research two professions in preparation for acceptance into a university. For this project, radiation therapy was suggested to me by a family friend whom was also the administrative director of a cancer center in Miami, Florida. Radiation therapy offers me an opportunity to help individuals who are at one of the most vulnerable and toughest periods of their life. In doing so I am able to be part of a lifesaving team which is very gratifying. Additionally, radiation therapy is a very technically demanding field that combines physics and medicine; two categories of which I am very interested in. In order to learn more about radiation therapy, I began volunteering while in high school at the C. Gordon Griffith Cancer Center at North Shore Medical Center in Miami, Florida. While there, I was able to shadow the dosimetrist as she planned treatments as well as see those treatments in action while shadowing the radiation therapists. When I started attending college at the University of South Florida, I became a volunteer at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer …show more content…

For the project we were tasked with using calculus in real world applications. With the task at hand, I chose finding the dose of radiation given by radiopharmaceuticals used in PET scanning. Due to the interesting nature of my project as well as my excellence in having completed the project I was published in the University Of South Florida Undergraduate Journal Of Mathematical Modeling. Subsequently, I was invited to display my project at a poster conference displaying many of the other projects of my classmates. Thank you for considering me for the University Of Texas M.D. Anderson School Of Health Professions

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