Essay On Pornography And Pornography

1119 Words3 Pages

Name: Xiaomeng Wang
Prof: Patterson, Patrick H.
Class Section: CAT3 A12
Draft Due: May.5th

From mid 1990s, with the worldwide commercial application of the Internet, one of its most controversial impacts is that people can access the sexual contents that are more vivid and more diverse in the virtual space than in the real world. For example, in real life, the vast majority of countries have banned the production, manufacture and sale of non-performing sexual behavior along with the invasion of privacy AV products. However, in the online world, it is sometimes difficult to effectively control such contraband non-performing sexual content spread in reality. In contrast, in the real world, vast majority of worldwide sales of raw footage belong to the contents of performing acts. Generally pornography has no substantial plot content. With the popularity of videotapes and discs, these movies are available to be published in a personal viewing form. Some people think that sex education porn movie gives is very intuitive and effective; but some people think that the sexual education of pornography is a false orientation of public psychology, sexual behavior, especially for teenagers. With the development of puberty, teenagers are usually becoming more and more curious about the things between men and women. Once they touch pornography, to some extent it will attract them like drugs, which will affect their learning and growing. Often these pornographic films are accompanied by violence; it will affect teenagers’ view of the world and their life. In addition, the aim of pornographic videos is usually not for scientific education. Instead, their aim is to make money. They usually exaggerate or distort human sexuality and spread al...

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...he Internet, even shut down the server, which forced people to find ways around censorship to express themselves.

“Pornography is sexually explicit material designed to produce sexual arousal in consumers that is bad in a certain way.” (Malpas) It provides people more opportunities to access sexual content, also gives people some unhealthy and unrealistic orientation of sexual behaviors. With the advent of Internet, the dissemination of pornographic films has become more rampant. Through downloading and Internet-based technology, more and more illegal pornography got distributed and propagated, which leads to increasing censorship by the government.

1. Malpas, J., “Donald Davidson”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = .

Word Count: 1217

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