Pentecostal Essay

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This term paper is written to address and study the language of Pentecostal churches around the world. In the Pentecostal churches some characteristics differentiate them from other denominations of the world and as such they have some features which are regarded as the Pentecostal phenomena, they include prophecies, visions, dreams, signs and wonders, and tongues. This paper is also to consider these Pentecostal phenomena as a symbolic language in relation to the language of Pentecostal churches. These phenomena is viewed as a special religious experience and seen as spiritual gifts by some Christians who are not of the Pentecostal denomination. However, many Christians refuse to understand that Pentecostal phenomena …show more content…

In fact it was the reverse for most people. As in biblical story in acts, many people thought the speakers were full of different sort of spirits, it was said that people that spoke in tongues were drunk, and also the speaking of the tongues were unintelligible tongue that upset listeners.11 WHO IS A PENTECOSTAL? Worldwide, there is so much variety about who a Pentecostal is but one can say that a Pentecostal is a Christian who calls himself a Pentecostal. Though Americans tend to focus on the gift of tongues, overall Pentecostals emphasize on the fact that God has given several gifts not just speaking in tongues but also healing and the so called rational gifts like organization or building a school. Diverse gifts are given to diverse people in the Pentecostal church as it is not a strictly theological definition but a phenomenological one.12 Pentecostals describe themselves as people who base beliefs on exorcism, speaking in tongues, faith healing, and seeking super natural experiences.13

LANGUAGE OF PENTECOSTAL …show more content…

A special language must be simple enough for newcomers to pick up fairly quickly. The specialized language is not taught separately but it is learnt through continuous and constant in messages use by existing members of the group, this way the new members would learn what the words mean and what they stand for and also where, when and how to appropriately employ them.16 Converts to Pentecostalism or to Pentecostal churches are mandated to be fully involved in church services immediately after their conversion and tongue speaking experience. Hence, acquisition of the language is begun after their reception into the

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