Essay On Olaudah Equiano

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Olaudah Equiano is an African American writer who wrote an autobiography about his enslavement and his horrific experiences throughout his travels. He published his autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, which became an immediate success and was translated into several languages. His autobiography is about his life after being kidnapped from Nigeria at the young age of eleven and his journey across the Atlantic ocean and Virginia. It showed readers the barbaric and ruthless reality of slavery. Those who tried to defend slavery weren’t able to once all the former slaves came forward with their own claims. Equiano’s book was historically significant to Africa because Equiano embraced the abolishment of …show more content…

Equiano draws a fine line between those Christians who were slave owners verses Christians who were pure like himself and his Quaker friends. Despite Equiano’s efforts to show readers that slavery was wrong, slave owners were trying to use the bible to justify their actions. Although there is no actual quote in the bible about slavery itself, there are verses that slave owners used to prove their actions were “allowed”. The bible mentions “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ”. (Ephesians 6:5) But, slave owners weren’t able to keep using this excuse once other slaves came forward with their own stories. People realized that the bible was never clarifying the mistreatment of blacks. This idea that the bible approved slavery was soon …show more content…

According to African Christian, “Christianity has been a traditional part of the dynamic African landscape for over 2000 years. And beyond argument remains a fundamental sculptor the African cultures in Sudan and Ethiopia. The majority of Christianizing in Africa is unfortunately linked to the enslavement and colonization.” (Nazerteh Church) The Christian faith was growing rapidly and Equiano’s personal relationship with God had readers waiting their own relationship. Equiano believed that throughout his journey he was being protected by God due to his constant prayers. A specific scene where several people including Equiano who accidentally fell from a long distance from the upper deck onto the bottom, but nobody ended up injured. Equiano said that the miracle must be God’s doing, “I thought I could plainly trace the hand of God, without whose permission a sparrow cannot fall.” (Equiano 80) This shows readers that his relationship with God was deep and he believed that God was always looking out for him. Equiano eventually was able to become a free man and was finally seen equal next to the white men. He used his Christian faith as a power source to become a free and equal man. He relied on his faith to keep him sane and alive throughout his time as a

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