An Unwavering Fight: A Mother's Journey to Save Her Daughter

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I was so distraught I actually made myself sick. I recall standing in the kitchen and gagging. I hung on to the kitchen counter so I would not fall down. I was devastated by the constant persistence of her problem without any answers. I told God I could not keep on taking her urine without results. I begged Him to end this nightmare. I told God I would do anything to save my daughter! I cried until I fell into a heap in my kitchen floor. My nose began to bleed which I experienced on a regular basis. I assumed it was because my sinuses were swollen and raw due to all the tears I had shed throughout the year. I pulled myself somewhat together and held tissue over my nose. My heart was broken and it appeared as if everything I believed was a lie. My God was nowhere to be found. After some time, I called Rose. She was a blessing as always. She encouraged me by just being herself. We talked for a while, and after I hung up I had strength to face another day. I requested another urine test. Miranda had to be in …show more content…

I was just positive at least one test would show high cortisol. After all, God had promised me a doctor with a diagnosis and this was the last opportunity for tests to reveal the truth. Days passed and we began to get the results. One at a time they came back. Every result brought hope and devastation. I would hope it would reveal something, but each time darkness grew. They were all normal. The endocrinologist released her. Now I had no one to help me. I assumed that the NIH would quit since we could no longer test her and show cortisol levels. My false expectations devastated me. I was without direction and extremely angry at God. Where was He? He had promised me a doctor with a diagnosis. He told me we would go to the other side. He told me I would know Him as Healer. What kind of cruel joke was this? Why had all the doors opened for her and now

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