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Write in detail about the menstrual cycle
Give an essay on the menstrual cycle
Write in detail about the menstrual cycle
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Recommended: Write in detail about the menstrual cycle
Menstrual Cycle
Every month a woman who`s reproductive system is correctly working gets a monthly notice.
This is her menstrual cycle, the shedding of the lining of the uterus which is basically blood released from the vagina. The bleeding lasts on an average 3 to 5 days, but sometimes commonly may last a little longer. In the first half of the cycle, levels of estrogen (a female hormone) will begin to increase. Estrogen is what makes the lining of the uterus grow and get thicker. The lining of the uterus is a region that will carry the embryo if a pregnancy is to occur. At just about day 14 of an average 28day cycle, the egg will leave the ovary, this is ovulation. Eventually after the egg leaves the ovary, it will travel down the fallopian
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Take the time now, while you 're feeling better and your energy is up, to start planning for your baby 's arrival. During the second trimester, your baby is growing quickly.
Between your 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy you 'll have an ultrasound so your doctor can see how your baby is progressing. You also can learn the sex of your baby, unless you 'd rather be surprised. Although you should be feeling better now, big changes are still taking place inside your body.
The Third Trimester
The third trimester begins in week 28 of pregnancy and lasts until you give birth, which may be around week 40 of pregnancy . It’s likely that labor will start a couple of weeks earlier or later, at least 50 percent of all babies are latecomers. If you do make it to (or past) week 40, you can try a few tricks to naturally induce labor on your own . But once you reach week 42 of pregnancy , you’ll be overdue, at which point your doctor will induce labor if it doesn’t begin on its own. Your little one will get a whole lot larger in the third trimester, growing from about
2 1/2 pounds and 16 inches long in week 28 of pregnancy to between 6 and 9 pounds and 19 to
22 inches long in week 40. Indeed, your baby is growing fast, don 't be surprised if this
The Bishop score is a pelvic scoring system developed to make it easier to determine whether a multiparous woman was a suitable candidate for induction of pregnancy. Although the information in the Bishop score was known by many obstetricians for many years, Edward H. bishop is credited because he pulled the pieces together and formed an organized system accompanied by research and statistics to back up his findings. His paper is called the “Pelvic Scoring for Elective Induction”. In this paper, Bishop describes basic minimal requirements that must be met before any patient can be considered for elective induction of labor (1964).
pregnancy, up to 49 days after conception, the woman has two choices. The first is to
should go through and if it doesn’t then the women has an irregular cycle. This process the movement of an egg to a fertilizing position, developing a lining in the uterus, then the shedding of that lining when the egg doesn’t become fertilized.
...erone, oestrogen and inhibin, to decrease so the uterus can get ready to get shed the tissues that were produce for the fertilized egg. (Wikipedia)
The definition of uterine prolapse is the uterus gradually descends into the vagina and often times takes the upper portions of the vagina with it. Most often a prolapse is caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. It can present at any stage but often comes in three distinct stages. Once it descends into the vagina walls it can continue to descend until it actually protrudes out of the vagina entrance. In the 1st degree the cervix is still inside the vagina. In the 2nd degree the cervix appears outside the vagina opening and the labia can become irritated and ulcerative. In the 3rd degree there is a complete prolapse outside of the body and it can contain the bladder, uterus and rectum. This condition is sometimes called a complete procidentia. It can be caused by a multitude of reasons. Multiple vaginal births, having larger babies, excessive straining from constipation, heavy lifting or being overweight, weak pelvic floor muscles due to lack of use, aging or going through menopause. Although uterine prolapse can happen to anyone at any age, it’s most common in women who have gone through menopause and for many of the reasons stated above.
...side begins to grow and develop at six weeks the baby is only five eights of an inch in measurement. As the months go on the baby goes thru many changes as well as the mother and her body. The mother may tend to get ill at times or may be fine during her pregnancy. There are also reports that the father may become ill at times as well along with the mother, this is common in men.
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The goal is to maintain pregnancy until the lungs of the fetus are matured, usually at about 34 weeks. Corticosteriods, such as betamethasone, can be given to the mother to promote fetal lung maturation if delivery is needed. If bleeding continues, risking the life of mother and baby then delivery, by cesarean section, will be done regardless of gestational age. Cesarean is performed for both partial or total placenta previa. For the low-lying placenta patients may be able to deliver vaginally depending on the amount of blood loss that has already
Almost every woman will go through menopause at one stage in her life. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 to 55, but can occur as early as the 30s and as late as the 60s. This stage comes with many signs and symptoms like hot flashes, irregular menstrual cycles, and mood swings. This article will go over what menopause is, the symptoms, and what essential oils can bring you some relief during this phase.
There are two different ways to break down the prenatal time period: by trimester or by periods. The first period is called the germinal period. This time frame consists of the first fourteen days of the baby’s development starting with conception. During these two weeks, the fertilized egg makes it’s way into the uterus for implantation in the lining of the uterus. The next period, the embryonic period starts here. The embryonic period lasts the third through the eighth week of pregnancy. During this time period, according to Kathleen Stassen Burger, Author of The Developing Person: Through Childhood and Adolescence, “…the formless mass of cells becomes a distinct being-not yet recognizably human, but worthy of a new name, embryo” (Burg...
It is the rupture of membranes after 37 weeks gestation, yet prior to the onset of labor
During a normal menstrual cycle, the lining of your uterus thickens and then sheds when a fertilized egg doesn't attach, resulting in your period. But when this lining starts to grow outside of the uterus, like on your ovaries or inside the pelvic cavity, it becomes inflamed, grows, and essentially has nowhere to go, says Ghadir. The result is severe pelvic pain, usually during your period, along with significant scarring to the surrounding tissue. It may also lead to large cysts on your ovaries called endome...
Marginal placenta previa. The placenta is near the cervix, but does not cover the opening.
It takes at least 20 weeks for a child to fully develop inside the womb starting the day of conception. A full pregnancy lasts 42 weeks. During the first week
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