Essay On Long Term Care

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Long-term care facilities have been forgotten by the Federal government for a while now. Even though the government has enforced Medicare, certain restrictions are placed on Medicare that do not allow most people to use these types of resources to pay for their housing in a long-term care facility. Because Medicare is offered to people 65 years and older, long-term care services should be covered by Medicare for the health protection of persons age 65 and older. Since Medicaid covers long-term care services for very low-income persons, Medicare should also provide coverage for long-term care facilities for the older persons of age 65 and older. While not suggesting that the Federal government should just loan millions of dollars for long-term care facilities, alternative ways need to be created, in order for the elderly to afford their living while they age, such as allowing Medicare to work for all elderly and older people age 65 and older. Although Medicare and Medicaid are both government run health programs, they each are ran by separate parts of the government and they both have their own responsibilities …show more content…

First off, Medicare is available for the older generations in the United States and also the disabled and provides a reasonable amount of coverage for medical and hospital impatient and outpatient care, but why would a health insurance mainly used by the older generation cover the cost or at least some of the cost of long-term care facilities? Because the main reason behind the creation of Medicare is to provide affordable health insurance for Americans age 65 and older, Medicare should cover the cost or part of the cost for long-term care facilities. Although Medicare has multiple benefits a health insurance program and its coverages, there are also a couple of downsides on the coverages, costs, and a view of the uses for Medicare in the United

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