Essay On High Blood Pressure

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High Blood Pressure (Kaley Barnes)
Sheldon G. Sheps
Sheps, Sheldon G. Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic, 1999.
The Mayo Clinic’s book on High Blood Pressure was full of detailed facts about blood pressure and what it is. This is extremely significant to the experiment because blood pressure is one of the variables being tested. Understanding blood pressure is one of the key components to receiving accurate results from this experiment. Most of the book is on high blood pressure, which is not necessary for the experiment, but the book still had plenty of useful information about blood pressure itself. The book explains that when the heart beats, a surge of blood is released from the left ventricle. It also tells of how arteries are blood vessels that move nutrients and oxygenated blood from the heart to the body’s tissues. The aorta, or the largest artery in the heart, is connected to the left ventricle and is the main place for blood to leave the heart as the aorta branches off into many different smaller …show more content…

In this article, it tells how an EKG scan is on grid paper and each small block, which is one millimeter (mm) long, represents 0.04 seconds and each larger box, which is five millimeters long, represents 0.2 seconds. On a EKG scan, the voltage of the heart is measured in millivolts (mV) along the y-axis. On the scan grid, ten millimeters is equal to one millivolt. According to this source, in order to calculate the beats per minute (BPM), one divides the number of number of large boxes between each heart beat (QRS wave) in 300 small boxes. However, that used for a more consistent and steady heart rate. For a more varied and irregular rhythm, one has to count the number of QRS waves in six seconds and then multiply that number by ten. For an example, if there are eight QRS waves, then the estimated heart rate would be 80

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