Essay On Health Care Disparities

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When in need of medical attention, people usually tend to visit hospitals or doctors in order to get the treatment required. There isn't anything wrong looking for medical treatment and there shouldn't be; however, there is a problem that's only been recently recognized. In the 21st century, racism and discrimination still exist to this very day and because of that, we have what we call health care disparities. In all honesty, it would be with great pleasure that everyone is treated fairly, at least for the sake of medical attention when needed. There shouldn't be any type of mistreatment of a patient due to their ethnicity, skin color, income, etc. . When is the time where society realizes just how unnecessary it is to have disparities …show more content…

As stated before, there shouldn't be anything wrong with waltzing into a place that provides treatment in order to get help but it would be more pleasing to patients if that could be done without any sharp sense of judgment. While a majority of health disparities are usually from race and ethnicity, they could also happen depending on income, gender, sexual orientation, etc. . Even when knowing what health care disparities are, they still ask "Why does it matter?". For those who are unaware why heath care disparities indeed do matter, these differences limit possible improvements of the overall quality of care, the health of patients, and unnecessary costs. Analysis has estimated that about 30% of direct medical costs for certain groups such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans are just excess costs and because of that, it leads to an economy lost of about $309 billion per year due to the disparities ( Considering the fact that the human population becomes more diverse each and every day, it is urgent to address the

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