Essay On Globalization

1031 Words3 Pages

Bob Mangal
Subject : Essay considering globalization 1000 words.
The simple explanation of the cold war was explained by the difference of strong against weak, emphasized at the disposal of military power to affect the world economy and benefit from it. After the dissipation stage of the cold war, arose the era of globalization, in which the simple explanation was, fast against slow where the developed nations, bilateral donors and international financial institutions are linking the developing countries up (under pressure) to the global system under conditionality’s to agree with reforms on governance before having access to external aid sources in order to create welfare and establish economical stability. According to GSGR (index appendix 2) poor and fragile states that depend on exporting commodities to distant markets risking the fact to become more vulnerable as result of disadvantageous trade deals fueled by powerful lobbies of the OECD countries or by downturn of the global economy and international financial crisis. (Burnell et al. 2011:278). These indications reinforces the hypothesis that, “globalization weakens the application of a distinct category of developing countries in understanding politics”, if the state capacity and political ability to execute reforms fails to occur.
But globalization incorporates also a process of interdependency among countries worldwide, through increasing volume and a variety of cross border transactions in goods and services, acceleration of communication, free international capital flow and widespread diffusion technology (Burnell et al. 2011:23).
Suriname, a developing country, linked up and integrated within the globalized world today,...

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... available reserves on natural resources. The approach is, that the developing countries with the possession of natural resources and the developed countries with the capital, should come to an understanding in finding the equilibrium for sustainable and mutual trust, enhancing a long term solid agreement of development.

Reference :


Peter Burnell and Lise Rakner 2011 Analytical Aproaches tot the Study of Politcs in the Developing World.United States of America: Oxford University Press

Peter Burnell and Lise Rakner 2011 Governance and Aid Conditionality in a Globalizing World.United States of America: Oxford University Press

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