Essay On Fracking

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Hydraulic Fracking is a process to extract fluids that are trapped beneath the Earth’s surface. While this technique has allowed for an efficient and cost-effective way to tap into natural gas reserves, there are considerable environmental and health risks that have arisen. Over 596 chemicals are involved in the fracking process itself and many of these have been suspected of posing a significant risk to human physiology. There have also been several reports of physical disorders occurring in animals and people living around fracking well sites. Water from nearby areas has shown to display anti-estrogenic and androgenic properties that can impact endocrine function. Direct exposure of some of these fracking liquids to workers caused gastrointestinal, dermatological and neurological problems. Moreover, there are a host of environmental issues such as noise and air pollution and an increase in seismic activities. Certain countries have gone as far as to temporarily ban or suspend the use of this method. In my investigation, I will attempt to analyse the exact risks that are posed by fracking and what aspect of the technique contributes most to these problems. One of the goals of my research is to expand on the current knowledge on the toxicity of the chemicals and provide suggestions to the regulatory practices governing the operation. Through enhanced monitoring practices and proper disclosure of all the chemicals involved in fracking, there is potential for improving the safety of the process. Introduction and Research Proposal Hydraulic fracking is an extraction technique used to uptake natural gas in a deep gas well drilling (Brown et al., 2007). Rocks are fractured by a pressurized liquid which is typically a mix of water, s... ... middle of paper ... ... the exact location in the geological formation(s) in which it is injected should be become a part of permanent government records that will be publicly available for future generations. 10. Before a permit is issued to drill for natural gas, complete waste management plans should be reviewed and approved and become part of the permit. 11. The injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids should be regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. This is needed to assure mechanical integrity of the injection wells and isolation of the injection zone from underground sources of drinking water. With the help of these recommendations, it is possible to improve the possible state of research on hydraulic fracking right now and increase the knowledge base of human health effects. These steps are necessary before endorsing fracking as a completely safe option for gas extraction.

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