Hydraulic Fracking is a process to extract fluids that are trapped beneath the Earth’s surface. While this technique has allowed for an efficient and cost-effective way to tap into natural gas reserves, there are considerable environmental and health risks that have arisen. Over 596 chemicals are involved in the fracking process itself and many of these have been suspected of posing a significant risk to human physiology. There have also been several reports of physical disorders occurring in animals and people living around fracking well sites. Water from nearby areas has shown to display anti-estrogenic and androgenic properties that can impact endocrine function. Direct exposure of some of these fracking liquids to workers caused gastrointestinal, dermatological and neurological problems. Moreover, there are a host of environmental issues such as noise and air pollution and an increase in seismic activities. Certain countries have gone as far as to temporarily ban or suspend the use of this method. In my investigation, I will attempt to analyse the exact risks that are posed by fracking and what aspect of the technique contributes most to these problems. One of the goals of my research is to expand on the current knowledge on the toxicity of the chemicals and provide suggestions to the regulatory practices governing the operation. Through enhanced monitoring practices and proper disclosure of all the chemicals involved in fracking, there is potential for improving the safety of the process. Introduction and Research Proposal Hydraulic fracking is an extraction technique used to uptake natural gas in a deep gas well drilling (Brown et al., 2007). Rocks are fractured by a pressurized liquid which is typically a mix of water, s... ... middle of paper ... ... the exact location in the geological formation(s) in which it is injected should be become a part of permanent government records that will be publicly available for future generations. 10. Before a permit is issued to drill for natural gas, complete waste management plans should be reviewed and approved and become part of the permit. 11. The injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids should be regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. This is needed to assure mechanical integrity of the injection wells and isolation of the injection zone from underground sources of drinking water. With the help of these recommendations, it is possible to improve the possible state of research on hydraulic fracking right now and increase the knowledge base of human health effects. These steps are necessary before endorsing fracking as a completely safe option for gas extraction.
In today's global economy, energy is one of the most crucial and sought after commodities. Who supplies it and how much they supply determines how much influence they have over other countries as well as the global economy. This is why hydraulic fracturing is currently such an important and controversial topic in the United States. Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as "fracking" or hydrofracturing, is the process of using pressurized liquids to fracture rocks and release hydrocarbons such as shale gas, which burns more efficiently than coal. This booming process of energy production provides a much needed economic boost, creating jobs and providing gas energy for Americans. The efficiently burning shale gas reduces carbon emission from electricity production plants, reducing carbon footprints on the environment. However, the process of hydraulic fracturing uses millions of gallons of pressurized liquid, which contains toxic chemicals, and some of this water is left over undealt with. The air near fracking sites is often also polluted and unsafe for nearby community residents. Injecting millions of gallons of water laced with toxic chemicals into the rock thousands of feet deep can cause earthquakes, causing a safety hazards for all nearby areas. Hydraulic Fracturing makes rare natural gases easily attainable, boosting the economy and reducing carbon emissions. However, the negative side effects such as contaminated water and air, make hydraulic fracturing a process that may not be worth the benefits.
Hydraulic fracturing, also commonly referred to as fracking, is a type of drilling for natural gas and oil that started in the 1940’s. In the beginning, when a well was slowing down, dynamite or TNT were placed inside the well head and detonated to help the flow of gas and oil by expanding natural cracks and veins in the earth. This method of fracking was used extensively for almost fifty years in the United States until the easy to mine and profitable oil had been almost completely tapped. A new form of hydraulic fracking was created in the early 90’s to help capture the less available oil and gas pockets remaining in the United States. The current method of fracking begins by drilling a vertical shaft lined with several piping layers and an outer layer of cement up to 10,000 feet deep. After achieving the appropriate vertical length a horizontal shaft is cut off of the vertical shaft that can stretch to lengths up to one mile long. A mixture of sand, water, and chemicals are injected in the shaft fracturing the shale formations and release pockets of oil and natural gas. The water is brought back to the surface where the gas and oil is separated out. The issue many people have with fracking is the possible side effects of chemicals used and water contamination. With the use of fracking helping American’s reach energy independence, economic benefits, and a bridge to help attain a clean energy source; fracking should be expanded in the United States.
...Waxmann et al. (2011) 750 different chemicals were used by various oil and gas companies during hydraulic fracturing over a four year period, where a minimum of 29 were identified to contain carcinogens which are listed as hazardous on both the clean air and safe drinking water act. The USEPA (2011) suggested that chemicals used during fracking should be monitored according to specific criteria.
Fracking can cause harm to people, animals, and nature. When they drill into the ground they are pumping chemicals to extract the gas and oil, and this contaminates the water sources around it. “An editorial on gas extraction from the Marcellus Shale in the Post-Star, a newspaper in Glens Falls, New York, contends, “New York state simply can’t take the risk. There are plenty of places to find fuel. It’s not so easy to find a new water supply for 17 million people.”” (Hydrofracking
Oil and natural gas companies have developed a way to drill for natural gas, a process called hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Natural gas is a flammable gas mixture consisting of methane and several other hydrocarbons that occur naturally underground. Natural gas is used as fuel for heating, cooking, and even in some automobiles, like the “RideOn” buses. This technique has only recently become economically feasible with the rising prices of fossil fuels, and there is much potential for recovering natural gas through fracking. However, fracking has many waste products and unusual side effects caused by the unnatural forces and materials used.
“Hydraulic fracturing involves the use of water pressure to create fractures in rock that allow the oil and natural gas it contains to escape and flow out of a well (Energy From Shale).” Fracking has served to extract natural gas and oil where other methods would not be as successful but many environmentalists argue that fracking is affecting the environment and our drinking supply of water. Although fracking is still a controversial topic, it provides Americans jobs, increases the economy of the region, and the natural gas and oil are cleaner and more affordable source of energy. The EPA recognizes that natural gas and oil are an essential part to help our planet survive but do not want fracking to come at an expense to the public health of the citizens or to the environment.
Hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as fracking, is a widespread practice in the United States. Fracking is a method used to extract oil and natural gas. Scientists and citizens report detrimental side effects of hydraulic drilling. New York and Vermont have banned fracking statewide. Maryland has set a two year moratorium on fracking, so that more research can be done to show the impacts of fracking on the environment. Nationwide, many other cities and counties have banned fracking as well. All states should look into finding alternative sources of energy, instead of using devastating practices like fracking to extract non-renewable resources.
*Analysis: Without proper regulations and safety measures and management of hydraulic fracturing wells, the safety of our local communities can not be guaranteed, endangering many lives in the process of short-term economic gain. Communities should have the right to know what dangers fracking possesses and be protected against them. The chemicals that are classified as trade secrets can cause major health issues if exposed to during a long period of time. In result, these health issues can not be treated as quickly or be
Natural gas extraction and consumption has risen over the past thirty years. Also known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking, a tremendous amount of uproar is being made in the environmental and political communities. Natural gas use is a great source of energy worldwide, only in America have we had a gold rush affect when it comes to extraction. Natural gas provides less dependence on foreign oil, less need for coal plants, and a more affordable energy source worldwide. There are many advantages to using natural gas but the way in which it is being extracted has caused many people to become sick. The detrimental environmental impacts caused by hydraulic fracturing continue to rise. Not to mention the political pull on big corporations and water quality standards. Currently in the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania and the Barnett shale in Texas, the air and water quality have diminished over the past years since drilling sites ran rampant. Natural gas is natural in terms of how it came to be, but not natural in how they extract it and the problems it is causing everyone involved. To make aware the dangers of hydraulic fracturing, environmental impacts, water quality and air emissions, must be considered.
Fracking has contributed to positive economic impacts and a closer sense of energy independence for the United States. Oil and natural gas rich areas underneath North Dakota have grown to contribute a large percentage of these resources to the overall production in the United States. The fact that the United States holds the potential to gain full energy independence could be not only monumental for the country in a global context but also extremely beneficial to the citizens. Less dependence on foreign exports could mean a healthier future for the country. The energy security potential of fracking, balanced with the environmental risks, make it important that it not be a yes-no question, but rather find a solution to satisfy it in a greater context.
Fracking is dangerous to America’s water supply, water quality, and to other resources. Due to fracking America’s water supply and quality could be compromised. Fracking is also a large scale operation. Evidence of how fracking is a large scale operation would be the use of 400 tanker trucks to transport all the
Hydraulic fracturing, or it’s more common name fracking, has been a very debatable topic for decades. Fracking is when chemicals, water and sand are pumped into the ground to break apart rock so that natural gas can be released. Not only is fracking obviously bad for the environment, but it also has many impacts on the people that surround the area. Fracking has short term benefits, but long term consequences and impacts to the entire ecosystem. Fracking that is done today can affect our future generations for many years and generations to come. Although hydraulic fracking may reduce our dependency of oil on other countries and stabilize our economy, fracking has way too many environmental and health impacts; therefore proving that fracking is problematic and should not be an energy resource that countries depend on.
Hydraulic fracturing can be very damaging to the human body, there have even been lawsuits. Bob and Lisa Parr stated that after suffering through years of things such as rashes, ringing ears, nosebleeds, and nausea they had enough. The Parr’s sued the company, Chesapeake Energy Corporation, and once the case was over, they ended up receiving almost three million dollars. (The Fracking Facts) This is significant because this was the first lawsuit that was successful in the United States that was linked to poisonous air pollution of gas or oil production. Also, in 2012 a company known as Chesapeake Energy Corporation was found guilty of contaminating the drinking water of three families in Pennsylvania. Leading to a 1.6 million dollar lawsuit. Stated the article The Fracking Facts.
There are over 650 fracking chemicals that can cause cancer. The EPA has approved all of these chemicals, but do not have health testing data to properly test the chemicals. Most of the time, the EPA does not ask for any tests in the first place. Because of this safety hazard, civilians living near fracking wells fear for their safety and health. Fracking can release chemicals into the air. Benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and n-hexane all can be released into the atmosphere. Long-term exposure to these chemicals can lead to cancer, birth defects, blood disorders, and neurological
The use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has been both a blessing and a curse to us. It holds great promise and great demise in one bundle, where when we have one we have the other. I feel fracking is good, but if not monitored it can lead to mass pollution and the destruction of environments.