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Review of related literature about organic and inorganic fertilizer
Case study on organic fertilizers
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Fertilizer any substance of natural or synthetic origin, which are applied to the soil or tissue implant to provide plant nutrients or more vital to the development of plants. The effective increasing crop production and increase the quality of the crop. There are two types of fertilizers.
Organic fertilizers:-
Fertilizers which are normally used in soil. They are healthy for plants and have long lasting good effects on the soil.
Inorganic fertilizer:-
Fertilizers which are artificial and usually comes as a powder, or a liquid. N, P and K are three important nutrients which naturally occur in healthy soil however some plants need more of them. Other chemicals that might be included in inorganic fertilizers are Ca, S and Fe etc.
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* Commercial Classification: Classified into three types according to their structure: Nitrogen (N): Expands the protein content of plants and the acceleration of growth. Phosphorous (P): The development of strong healthy root development and helps plants mature more quickly. Potassium (K): strengthens plants resistance to disease and promotes growth of root stack.
Fertilizer Products:-
Di-ammonium phosphate
Calcium Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium sulphate
Single superphosphate
Nitro phosphate
Sulfate of
For years farmers have been adding natural fertilizers to their crops. It is a big risk though. Over fertilizing is very dangerous. It puts high concentrations of salt into the soil. It can also affect the water resources nearby. Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium are the basics of fertilizer. If a certain nutrient is short in supply the fertilizer might not work as well. Calcium, iron, manganese are also nutrients that might be needed. So don’t just trust the fertilizer bag that says it has all the nutrients, test it out. (Miller and Levine 717)
Three substances mainly make fertilisers: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Their percentage in the solution will change the effectiveness on a decisive plant; for example it is recommended to use high proportion of nitrogen fertilizers during the spring growth of spurts. Fertilisers can be spitted in two categories: organic that contains a low level of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and aren’t toxic to the environment and synthetic that are made with a high concentration of the three substances and can be corrosive to the environment if overused. Looking closely at the three chemicals: nitrogen is considered the most important substance of a fertilizer, it contributes to the greening of the leaves and their growth. Phosphorous’ job is to enhance the growth of roots, seeds and flowers.
1Germination can be defined as the process of seeds, develop into new plants. In spite of being changeable according to its species, there environmental conditions that needs to be supplied such as temperature, ph and sunlight.1The first process is when water is plentiful, the seed fills with water in a process called imbibiton. In this process seed starts to grow a root. As the plant grows leaves to obtain sunlight. After this point, plant will continue to develop and make its own food by photosynthesis. In order to grow a plant stronger and faster, over the time, people developed different ways. One of these ways is applying fertillizer directly to the plant. Fertillizer is mostly beneficial and widely used so that plants may
Nitrogen can be considered as both a fertilizer and nutrient under the right constraints. I will use citrus plants as one of my examples. For citrus growers applying nitrogen to plants is a common and needed practice. “Spring is the best time to apply nitrogen to citrus. Research has shown that the demand for nitrogen in citrus is highest from bloom through June and most of the supplemental nitrogen fertilizer should be applied during this time period.” It is a major key to plant growth and development. Nitrogen is crucial to citrus plants for optimal growth and yield. Without nitrogen you can see suffering results for many years down the road.
Interestingly, these tests revealed strikingly high levels of phosphate and nitrate, two chemical compounds that exist naturally on the earth to aid the growth of organisms as nutrients. As the world’s agricultural needs transform, nitrates are often found in man-made fertilizers compared to its typical natural source . This increased use of fertilizers in farms
Organic foods are those grown without the use of growth hormones, antibiotics, synthetic pesticides, or chemical fertilizers. Genetically modifying crops is also not preformed in organic farming. Soil fertility can be maintained using crop rotation, cultivation practices, and cover crops. Natural fertilizers and pesticides are still considered to be included in organic farming (Winter & Davis, 2006). Products that are controlled with cultivation conditions rather than chemical-synthetic pesticides include organic products (Woese, Lange, Boess & Werner Bogl, 1999). The use of synthetic pesticides and materials falls under conventional farming. If the materials are on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances, it can, however, be considered organic. A process that chemically changes a substance extracted from naturally occurring sources is considered a synthetic material (Winter & Davis, 2006).
In Genesis 1:29, God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” From the beginning God has given us food for life. Plants, meats, trees, and fruits are offered to us as a means of sustenance from the very same God who made them long ago.
Project title of field of study The effect of soil salinity on plant growth is part of botany, the study of plants. Botany: the study and science of plants in a particular habitat and region, it is the branch of biology that deals with the life of plants. Soil Salinity, Should We Be Worried? Introduction Soil salinity is said to be “bad” for plant growth, but is this really true?
Farmers apply nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, manure, and potassium in the form of fertilizers to produce a better product for the consumers. When these sources exceed the plants needs or if these nutrients are applied before a heavy rain then the opportunity for these excess to wash into aquatic ecosystems exists.
Nutrients influence plant growth by providing them with the essential support they need for growth. For major plant growth, the nutrients needed are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. All this impact plant growth through; leaf coloration, produce production, a creation of photosynthesis and to produce healthy plants. In a pea plant, these factors are expected from these nutrients by having healthy leaves and stems, edible produce and strong, substantial vine growth.
Soil is the most important non-renewable resource on any farm. Healthy soil is key to a good
Fertilization (conception) is the moment in which the sperm cell enters the oocyte and merges with it. From this moment, the cell division begins: at each division the number of cells is doubled in the fertilized egg. About two days after fertilization, the fertilized egg migrates the remaining way of the fallopian tube down to the uterus, where the implantation takes place. So that it can even come to the fertilization, some conditions are necessary, which will all together lead to the sperm and egg cell coming together. This is how fertilization works: After ovulation, the ovum migrates in the fallopian tube towards the uterus. In the next twelve to 24 hours she is fertile. The sperm arriving at the ovum try to drill through its shell. Fertilization
For instance, ammonium nitrate used as ammonium nitrate fertilizer”. The philosophy of agriculture
The pesticide is a controversial topic since farmers are used it to gain their yield. Especially, pesticide is discovered during World War II as a chemical weapon that mixture of multiple chemicals together to kill human. Therefore, Chantries redesign pesticide to kill an organism where and when we don’t want it. Because people want to go to the grocery store to buy the perfect product, pesticide makes it happens and with a little cost for farmers. Nonetheless, pesticide also is the expenditure of life expectancy, which directly threatens people and poses risk of mortality rate. Abusing the pesticide has multiple affects on our society, (Add). (Add thesis)
Plant nutrition is area of plant biology that is of the utmost importance for the proliferation of plants. Without proper nutrition, plants would simply cease to exist unless drastic alterations were made. There are certain elements that are required for the plant to grow and reproduce; these elements are known as essential elements. There are three requirements of an essential element: the element must be required for the completion of the plant’s life cycle, the element must not be replaceable by another element in whole, and finally the element must be direction involved in the metabolism of the plant. Chemical compounds that are involved in proper nutrition have been designated as nutrients, and further classified as macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are needed for growth, metabolism, and many other functions, but are designated as “macro” because they are required in larger amounts. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, and fat molecules. Micronutrients have a much wider function that depends on the exact micronutrient. Micronutrients are designated as so because they are needed in much smaller amounts when compared to macronutrients. Examples of micronutrients include vitamins and minerals.