Essay On Fertilizers

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Fertilizer any substance of natural or synthetic origin, which are applied to the soil or tissue implant to provide plant nutrients or more vital to the development of plants. The effective increasing crop production and increase the quality of the crop. There are two types of fertilizers.
Organic fertilizers:-
Fertilizers which are normally used in soil. They are healthy for plants and have long lasting good effects on the soil.

Inorganic fertilizer:-
Fertilizers which are artificial and usually comes as a powder, or a liquid. N, P and K are three important nutrients which naturally occur in healthy soil however some plants need more of them. Other chemicals that might be included in inorganic fertilizers are Ca, S and Fe etc. …show more content…

* Commercial Classification: Classified into three types according to their structure: Nitrogen (N): Expands the protein content of plants and the acceleration of growth. Phosphorous (P): The development of strong healthy root development and helps plants mature more quickly. Potassium (K): strengthens plants resistance to disease and promotes growth of root stack.

Fertilizer Products:-
Di-ammonium phosphate
Calcium Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium sulphate
Single superphosphate
Nitro phosphate
Sulfate of

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