Essay On Farming Subculture

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For thousands of years, farming has been around and is considered an essential part of life despite its hardships. Throughout my entire life, I have been a part of the farming subculture even though, I have never farmed myself, my entire family does. My father and his five siblings grew up on a farm and now farm with a friend. Farmers have both ascribed and achieved statuses, meaning that they are born into being a farmer but they still must work and meet that status. Agriculture farmers have a different pattern of behavior and way of life that is substantial enough to distinguish them from the overall culture. Farming is a subculture because it holds a set of norms and values that are distinct from the majority. There are several aspects to …show more content…

From the houses they live in, to the equipment they use to conduct their work, each is distinct from the larger culture. farmers typically live in what is classified as a farmhouse with a big porch, and they usually drive trucks not cars. For the farm itself, the farmers will have a ton of agriculture equipment that is used to perform crucial jobs for their livelihood. For example, milking machines send the milk to the bulk tank where it will be picked up by a milk company and carried to a factory. Without these specific machines, the farmers would need more manpower and they would most likely go out of business. Their material culture differs from the majority because most jobs/families do not require heavy equipment to perform everyday tasks like a …show more content…

For example, farming does not hold beauty as a high value, because everyone involved in this culture serves a purpose and has a cultural role to play. A cultural role is the expected behavior and set expectations for how a person will act. Beliefs are extremely important within the farming community and are held in extreme regards. Children are expected to get up every Sunday, put on their best clothes, and attend church with their Families. Since they heavily rely on nature for their crops and animals, they often pray to God to give them good weather and healthy crops/animals. They typically wear working clothes and Caterpillar boots to protect their feet, and they have strong work ethics that are highly

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