Essay On Early River Civilizations

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These Early River Civilizations can be compared and contrasted in many different ways. The three ways I am choosing to juxtapose these civilizations are their government, their religion, and their ways of trying to control nature. Although the differences are prominent these civilizations can also be seen as very homogeneous. Government is an essential part of being civilized and impartial. The Sumerians, who begin developing Mesopotamia give a commendable example of the use and importance of government. Mesopotamia had individual city states such as Umma, Ur, and Kish. Each of these city states had a temple and Ziggurat. The Sumerian government is controlled by temple priests who appeal to the gods. The priests were the largest landowners. All …show more content…

It is absolutely crucial that any civilization tries to get control of the environment around them. If you begin an understanding of your surroundings it can be easier to tell when it will flood or when your crops will develop well. Unfortunately you can never fully control nature, it will always win the “battle”. Both societies believed if they upset their gods, it could affect their environment that they were living in. The Sumerians have to learn how to try to control the Tigris and Euphrates, because while you want them to flood yearly, leaving rich soil you also don’t want them to flood your entire village. Some of the development created to help with everyday living where the wheel, the sail, and the plow. The Egyptians also have to attempt to take control of the Nile, which is extremely powerful and unpredictable. In order to do this they dig a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea and have drain swamps for the farms. It may seem simple, but considering the lack of machinery they had this would have been extremely difficult. As I conclude my final topic you should notice that they both try to control water because it is the most valuable source when having a

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