Essay On Cryptocurrency

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Introduction - Cryptocurrency A cryptocurrency is a means of currency exchange which is designed around securely transferring information, through the process of encryption. Encryption is a way of encoding messages or information in way that only specific or authorized parties can interpret. Fundamentally, cryptocurrencies are an alternative to centrally governed currencies, this virtual currency seeks to incorporate principles of cryptography to implement a secure, distributed, decentralized information system 1. There are various types of cryptocurrency being used on the virtual market today that will be discussed throughout this report. Cryptocurrency derives from cryptography, which is a secret or hidden means in which to communicate or share information without a third party overseeing. This has been the primary way in which we have been able to securely transmit data, and this has been applied for use of ATMs, electronic commerce and passwords. The bases of cryptocurrency is essentially a code that allows private exchange of commerce. History Cryptocurrencies are filling a niche at a point in history when people are growing disconcerted with the actions of the financial sector. Cryptocurrency jurisdiction is outside of any central bank which classifies it as a decentralized currency. Historically, the first record of any form of cryptocurrency was in the mid 1990s where cryptocurrency was used for several types of online gaming, such as World of Warcraft 3. The first “modern” cryptocurrency was introduced in 2008 by an individual named Satoshi Nakamoto, who created Bitcoin. Nakamoto’s actual identity remains undisclosed to the public. It has also been suspected that Nakamoto could be a group of people or a very code... ... middle of paper ... ...sophisticated users and decentralized exchanges with little or no oversight by law enforcement. One of the major advertised benefits of cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, is the purchase of bitcoins, and their subsequent use in transaction, are completely anonymous. This has lead to bitcoin use for criminal activity such as drug trafficking and money laundering for other illegal activities. However, recent academic research is beginning to show that perhaps this key component may not be as absolute as originally advertised. 111 A group of European researchers determined that up to 40 percent of bitcoin users on a university computer system could have their personal identity determined. 112 Researchers have also shown that user’s relying on an increasingly smaller number of bitcoin wallets and exchanges makes determining their identities an easier task. 113

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