Essay On Constitutional Amendment

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There has been a long debate about how the citizens of the United States should interpret the constitution. The first amendment protects people's right to speak freely without punishment from the government. Society must distinguish between is speech versus "hate" speech. Hate speech has no place in the country because of the moral destruction it inflicts on the citizens. Additionally, people often use the internet as a way of conveying hate speech, which is a crime known as cyber bullying. The damage that hate speech inflicts on a person obstructs their path in gaining the pursuit of happiness, which is the cornerstones of the nation. The American people are given the right to observe freedom of speech, however, this does not grant freedom …show more content…

If someone is degraded because of factors that they cannot control, it is considered hate speech. The term, "pursuit of happiness" is associated with the American Dream. Regardless of a person's background, race, color, religion, or opinions, they will be treated equally and have the same opportunities as the rest of the nation's citizens. If, however, a person is restricted in their abilities because of statements that harm them mentally, the first amendment becomes secondary. While the pursuit of happiness is not written in the constitution in a way that enables us to monitor it with the law, it is important to remember that it is forever engraved in our nation's history and should be preserved and protected. Despite such overwhelming need to ban hate speech, many people will argue that the first amendment should be interpreted as a means of protecting all speech, even hate speech. Max Ascoli makes a good point regarding freedom of speech. He says, "We cannot start curtailing others' freedom of speech without running the danger of having our own freedom of speech curtailed someday" (Ascoli). The idea is that since everyone thinks differently, the majority should not silence the minority, because one day, our opinions may very well be considered the minority. We would not want our speech to be restricted, so why should others be punished for what they think and say. The first amendment

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