Essay On Concussions

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Today, concussions and its effects are not being taken seriously and as a result, this silent killer is taking the lives of many young athletes. Effects of concussions should not just be swept under the rug. In today's society, concussions are a constant threat due to lack of education and ignorance, and an injury like this can suddenly end a developing athlete's career. Concussions can be mild or severe traumatic brain injuries, the more severe effects on someone’s life. Post-concussion syndrome is a disorder with symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, loss of concentration and memory, blurry vision, and mood changes. These symptoms usually develop seven to ten days after and may last for weeks, or even months post to the concussion. Not everyone who has a mild traumatic brain injury will suffer from post-concussion syndrome. Those who have experienced concussions or head trauma in the past are most likely to experience these syndromes at a more severe level. “An estimated 1.6-3.8 million sports- and recreation-related concussions occur in the United States each year” (“What is a Concussion?” n.d). Researchers cannot …show more content…

It is most common for toddlers and young children to get a mild concussion due to them learning do many new things. In the meantime, it is that much easier for concussions to go unnoticed due to children not being able to express themselves properly. Some examples of non-verbal symptoms that can be seen in infants are appearing dazed, listlessness, tires out easily, irritability, crankiness, loss of balance, unsteady walking, and change in eating or sleeping patterns. (Office of Public Affairs, 2016). When experiencing these short-term effects, it will put boundaries on your everyday life. Examples of these boundaries are using technology, driving, playing any kind of sport, socializing, and

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