Essay On Coming Out Process

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After I became more comfortable and started expressing who I am, when I was sober, than I felt like I might not need to use to function as a human being. I think it is definitely part of the coming out process for a lot of people, which is unfortunate.

Interviewer: The drugs and alcohol is part of the coming out process.

Female Speaker: Yeah, because they need to feel like they have some sort of dependent thing to kind of help them feel more comfortable and less anxious. I know I definitely turned to drugs for that.

Female Speaker 2: I feel like there is also this huge gap that you get in the queer community and so many people use drugs and the actually support when you are trying to get off of them. For one, a lot of 12 step programs, …show more content…

Why do think that people your age drink past the legal limit.

Female Speaker: Just my age and not the LGBTQ community, you don’t know your limit. You are still young and you see everyone else doing shot after shot and you think you can do that. Eventually you kind of grow aware I guess.

Female Speaker 2: There are people over the legal limit, because maybe the legal limit doesn’t make them feel numb and that is what they want to feel. So, they just go until they feel numb and that makes your addiction and leads to over use.

Female Speaker 3: It is kind of like a rite of passage and something that adults do and it's very fetishized in America and that is our thing. It is really something specific about us in a way that it really isn't in a lot of other places. I think there is also a large aspect of competition, especially with lesbians and everyone it trying to out mask each other. It's like, you can't hold your liquor like us and oh, you want to bet. That factors in a lot.

Female Speaker 4: It's just the whole thing of fitting in. If everyone else can drink this much, I should be able to drink that much and find out that you can't and you just screw yourself

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