Essay On Cloning

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Dolly. One name has never meant so much in the modern field of science. Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to successfully be cloned. She was an exact replica of her parent sheep, but meant much more in the field of genetics. Dolly opened up a new door and showed that genetic cloning is not science fiction anymore: it is reality. However, with the introduction of this new technology, many questions and concerns have arisen. The applications for cloning are endless, scientists are now thinking of cloning humans. The debate over human cloning is escalating quickly and it is becoming a question of ethics rather than pure science. Some critics opposed to cloning present valid ethical issues with expanding it to humans. Human cloning seems to be an inevitable part of our future, yet it may be delayed due to the ethical concerns. Human cloning’s disadvantages outweigh its advantages. The low success rates of cloning, the continual growth of the world’s population, and turning clones into objects as opposed to humans, all suggest that human cloning is too risky to be pursued.
Human clon...

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