Essay On Brazil Economy

597 Words2 Pages

Brazil`s economy is characterized by large and well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sector. Brazil is expanding its presence in world markets. Brazil is the highest producing country in the Latin America in the field of agriculture. The excessive production has also led to the export of agricultural goods to other countries. Since 2003, Brazil has steadily improved its macroeconomic stability, building up foreign reserves and reducing its debt profile. After strong growth in 2007 and 2008 the global financial crisis hit Brazil in 2008. High unemployment in Brazil is tradtitionally high and the level of income inequality has declined for each of the last 14 years. However Brazil was one oft he first emerging markets to begin a recovery after the financial crisis. Brazil`s high interest rates have made it an attractive destination for international investors.

Brazil is an emerging country and in the meantime it is the world`s seventh-largest economy. Brazil is one of the Goldman Sach’s ‘BRIC’ (Brazil, Russia, India, China) economi...

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