Essay On Brand Branding

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Doyle (1990) suggests that a winning strategy for building a successful brand lies in building quality, providing good service, innovation and differentiation.

Brands that have been successful have built a high level of brand equity, which is defined in terms of the marketing effects uniquely attributable to the brand. (Keller, K. 1993). It is synonymous to the price, market share and profitability the brand commands in the marketplace for the firm.

Beside valuation purposes, brand equity can be used to improve marketing productivity stemming from the firm’s success creating knowledge about the brand in customer’s mind from investments in previous marketing campaigns. (Keller, K 1993).

Previous research introduced the concept of customer based brand equity, define as the differential effect that a brand knowledge has on consumer response to the marketing of said brand (Kotler et. Al 2009); which can be positive or negative based on how favorable customers react to each element of the mix when the brand is identified (awareness) vs. not.

Building customer-based brand equity req...

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